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Big Huge Territory Change Such Read Very Important Wow


Staff member
We've been taking a long hard look at Conquest of late and, well, trying to find a balance between poop. In our discussions, we've all basically agreed that the biggest problem with Territories is that the barrier of entry is too impossibly high. If you want to even remotely try to succeed in a territory fight and even have an attempt at unseating the incumbent, you have to assemble a big group of friends with the best armor in the game, only to perhaps run into one legendary pot pvper, have all of your squad die and then you've lost all that gear.

So we're announcing a fairly radical change to how we're going to handle Conquest Combat. In short, if you're participating in any Conqest battle (Territory fight or the new Ruins battle and so on), we will be setting keep inventory on. So long as you're in a defined zone (like, 150 blocks from the battle zone of an actual Inhibitor-based territory fight) or in the area encompassing these static controllable points, then if you die, you keep your stuff.

The amount of time and resources required to fight for most towns is simply staggering. To top it all off, it you spend most of your time and resources trying to prep for war, you could lose it in a half a minute. While, yes, that's part of Minecraft, our Conquest system is our own and we'd be lying if we didn't say that we really want more conflict. It's one thing to incentivize towns by making better looking policies, adding some extra cool Capital stuff, and the like; and that's part of the update. We can upgrade these policies and make being capital more exciting, but if you think you're gonna go to a fight and absolutely die and lose all your stuff, why would you ever do it? If you went to a fight with a month's worth of work on you and died in 30 seconds and lost it all, would you want to do it again?

As it is, I think we all agree Minecraft is way too easy, but new players don't understand all the specific mechanics of Loka that can really get you to full enchanted gear quickly. Much of Loka's content is about expanding the endgame of Minecraft. Since we're making our own endgame, then we shouldn't be too scared to change Minecraft to support it better. If we want more people experiencing and, more importantly, trying out our Conquest feature, they have to be something you can try without sacrificing all of your work when you don't even know the caliber of people you may fight.

This is a huge change, we understand, but we're gonna try it out and see how it goes. We feel this will give people the ability to try to make some movements in the territory world without the fear of absolute and total loss anytime you fight.

Go forth!


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe territory fights, if not dropping armor.... Could give territory points or something?


Active Member
I can see this would help alot. You can still have your armor break which would mean still people need to make sure they own ample spares. But the idea also concearns me. I know it will work as intended and will help stir conflict as people now can throw caution to the wind and Seige attack with out being left vunerable. As its been stated once before once you lost your stuff alot of people would just quit or the town that was trying to defend was unable to do anything after that point. Now you will have a constant flow of people dying going back dying going back and this in turn causes the time of each tgen fight to be longer. In short you took elements of Vota and Gultch and placed them in to the conquest to make up for the lack of players on the server. This will in turn help when we become larger server when more playesr come on and they wont have to worry much about losing their equip due to death. But I'm kinda afraid of it aswell coming from my stand point of a peaceful nation. This in no way should be changed to suit the needs of those who wish to play peaceful since we wont be taking active parts in Attacking tgens.


Active Member
Losing all my armor was a huge reason why I try to avoid territory fights. This definitely changes some things for me.


Active Member
But I'm kinda afraid of it aswell coming from my stand point of a peaceful nation. This in no way should be changed to suit the needs of those who wish to play peaceful since we wont be taking active parts in Attacking tgens.

Indeed. If you are peaceful and have no desire to participate then it won't affect you in any way.


Active Member
I've been thinking about it and this change actually changes very little. In a vanilla potion pvp match with no god apples, your helmet will break when you have about 5-8 potions left depending on how your opponent used crits. Keep in mind this is 1 fight one vs one against another person. Once your helmet breaks, your other armor is incredibly close to breaking and at that point unusable. So in reality, the only way this change helps you is if you're incapable of potion pvping and you die instantly.


Active Member
I've been thinking about it and this change actually changes very little. In a vanilla potion pvp match with no god apples, your helmet will break when you have about 5-8 potions left depending on how your opponent used crits. Keep in mind this is 1 fight one vs one against another person. Once your helmet breaks, your other armor is incredibly close to breaking and at that point unusable. So in reality, the only way this change helps you is if you're incapable of potion pvping and you die instantly.

That's true, but how many people can survive by potion pvping until their instant healths runs out? Not many, let's be honest. Not to mention that some people don't bring the same amount of instant healths as a regular arena pot 1v1, including myself.