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No Plans to Implement Boosting


Old One
Staff member
Old One
There is currently a bug with the subscriber kill message. You are not supposed to keep it once your subscription runs out. Since it doesn't harm anyone we haven't gotten around to fixing it. The only thing from the subscription that remains when you unsub should be the title (since that's a reward for being subbed for 1 month, there will be more titles for 6 months etc in the future), and of course, the orbs you get and contribution towards next tab star remain.

We are totally up for looking at adding more incentives for both subscribing and boosting but it doesn't make sense from the server's point of view to have the incentives remain after the sub/boost ends.


Staff member
It's important to remember that your Discord Boost can fall off if you don't keep it going with Nitro, which then reduces the overall number of boosts our Discord server has. That parallel is the bigger reason why you only keep your Boost perks if you continue Boosting the server.