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Brewing Compendium: Recipe Requests


New Member
Recently I've started getting into the barrel brewing of liquors, and when I investigated the market in Aladra, I discovered there was a large amount of differing varieties of spirits that can be brewed via the cauldron. When I researched in the library there was only a few books that had knowledge on the matter, most incomplete and missing some recipes. My goal is to collect all the recipes and transfer them to a written book to be published in the library for public use and leisure, and create a guide to those seeking the information to create a variety of spirits. If anyone has the knowledge of recipes and processes, any contribution would be highly appreciated! Contributing players will be credited accordingly in the book. -AttackTeam


Staff member
Grubul's brewing book is complete as far as I know. Did you read that one? If so, what issues did you have with it?


New Member
@Skuhoo I did not see a book under the name of that player while in the library's nonfiction section, where I assume is where the brewing books are stored, as there are other books regarding the matter in that area. If you know where it is, could you describe where it is so I can find it? Thank you in advance - AttackTeam


Active Member
My favorite brew is potato soup. It's a 10/10 recipe if only people had bought it from me in my stall a while back ;-;


Well-Known Member
Heya. Just bumping in.

The book is found within player possesion. It is the completed brewing book with all current recipies.

Its not in library so players that dont have such book - find the recipies on their own. The trial and error part is whats the most fun of all the brewing.

Sent you a message on discord
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