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No Plans to Implement bring back old death messages


Well-Known Member
im sorry to whoever made the new ones but they look terrible please bring back the old ones or give me a way to see the regular old death messages


Well-Known Member
Give it a week first like it ain’t even been a day.
im sorry jake but i am monkey brain red = enemy blue = friend and the rest of the death message should be white you add any more colors to the mix and i no understand what it mean


Well-Known Member
or just make it toggleable
i did ask for this though im not sure how it would work since they already said they can't do legacy alliance chats where it's like a togglable thing and that is pretty similar to this since both have to do with displaying different style chat messages for different players


Well-Known Member
hey gang I know it is rushed and all and it just came out and blah blah blah.

But for real I don't find these new messages at all appealing - i can see where colour coordination and colour coding can be cool and great and easier to understand, and in some ways, many i suppose it is. this however I feel like i really gotta READ the messages to see what happened, they aren't as clear in my opinion which sort of defeats the purpose - please consider reformating or reverting.