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No Plans to Implement Bring back the Good Ole Days


Active Member
Back then, way before the worst Lokan update ever, WE had CIT packs enabled. We would be able to change the textures of things and the colors for everyone to see.... and we miss this, let's all be honest, we all really do.


Well-Known Member
+1 You had to have the resource pack enabled to see the textures and it was cool seeing different lore swords across the board. The only thing I see negative with this is the ability to use this to determine item attributes previously private (eg. thorns armor, kb swords, etc)


Staff member
CITs aren't nearly as advantageous in Conquest as they once were due to the removal of invisibility while wearing armor a while back. You can still be invisible with armor on outside of battlezones though, so CITs would still offer a significant advantage there.


Well-Known Member
-1 We just cant expect new players to join loka and know how to make CIT's to have a shot at winning fights out in the wilds. While the advantages of CIT's have been reduced as discussed by sku above, there still is a noticeable edge to using them which is why I believe they should stay off the server.