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No Plans to Implement Bring kill messages showing lore for muted players

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Active Member
Idk why it was removed it honestly didnt change anything ik being muted is a punishment and all but bruh I paid for my lore can I at least see it in chat pls. Also, ik theres a point to be made that muted players can use it to communicate but its only a chance that it will show up and also we can just use signs. All in all pls bring back cryp it was kinda petty to remove it.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Muted players abused it in the past and that is why we can't have nice things. Players who are muted can use it to bypass the chat restriction and getting muted has proved they cannot be trusted to interact in chat. It is less a punishment and more protection for the wider community. This actively hurts the server's bottom line, so it is not petty. We are aware of signs and this is something we also plan to block.


Active Member
Muted players abused it in the past and that is why we can't have nice things. Players who are muted can use it to bypass the chat restriction and getting muted has proved they cannot be trusted to interact in chat. It is less a punishment and more protection for the wider community. This actively hurts the server's bottom line, so it is not petty. We are aware of signs and this is something we also plan to block.
bruh what cmon like are you gonna block town chat to, cryp said placing signs are allowed.


Active Member
Average Muted Player
Username: */$%@#
Town: *#(#=/
Rank: @(!&&$(
Signs: &#!_÷
Items: &÷*=*
Alliance: %÷*#>=,@( *÷&@<

But if you want your chat messages to pop-up, just mute Appeal
i did everyone plus 1 havent really been toxic since i dont play to much anymore, still not unmuted, there are literal racists not muted but ig it is what it is.


Active Member
This has been in the game for years. If it worked recently then that was a bug. Blocking muted players from making signs is an interesting idea, though.
why, like especially if its a perm mute can you at least allow someway to communicate I just wanna ask for 1v1s in the end man thats it.


Active Member
i did everyone plus 1 havent really been toxic since i dont play to much anymore, still not unmuted, there are literal racists not muted but ig it is what it is.
That sounds kinda petty, I dislike the argument when people say “if I got muted for it, they should too” why don’t u report them instead of complaining on the forums


Active Member
That sounds kinda petty, I dislike the argument when people say “if I got muted for it, they should too” why don’t u report them instead of complaining on the forums
ahh yes lemme be a petty, stuck up person who reports everyone because im made i got muted, in th end I dont care whos muted or not i just wanna see my lore and ask for 1v1s in end.


Active Member
+1s do not equal being unmuted. They help, however, do not guarantee anything: frankly, if you get spammed with them I would feel more obliged to keep you muted for longer because you prove undoubtedly that you do not have any regard for the rules as you are going out of your way to have others support your breaking of the rules.
I did not even dm people my appeal or @everyone in any server so my plus 1s were just from people looking at it
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