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Builder Application

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New Member
Age: 18

Current rank: Settler

Which role you are applying for:

Why you think you should become this role:
I believe that i am a perfect fit, i have been around in the Loka Community for 2 years and am keen to develop new
events/content for the server. I have been building pretty much since i installed minecraft, and have built (with a build team) many builds for Minecraft servers, such as the
Stoneworks Hub. While i haven't built much in Loka itself, i have attached many screenshots of builds that I have completed and have basic knowledge of World Edit in order
to speed up the build process.

When you started playing on the server:
April 12 2022

Time zone:

How often do you play (hours a day/week):
4/5 hours - but have just finished college so can play longer

How experienced are you with world edit:
Basic knowledge - willing to learn more

What is your favourite build style:
Desert and or Nordic

Screenshots of your builds:
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