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No Plans to Implement Builder Towns


Lots of players come to Loka to build amazing towns and have other players enjoy what they've built, however Loka might not be the best for doing this due to the fact that it's very possible one gets raided when their town is made and, therefore, must build walls.

So what's the idea?
The idea behind "Builder Towns" is to allow players to make towns, perhaps prompt them with a GUI when making the town, to choose whether or not it will be a builder one. If they are to make it a builder town, they will not be allowed to participate in Conquest which compliments that fact that builders probably don't want to pay tons of taxes for land anyway. Additionally, they can not be raided. Perhaps a toggleable invisible wall which doesn't allow entrance to the town's territory could be made. With this, builder towns will not be allowed to be made next to regular towns that can participate in Conquest since people would use them for strategical advantages.

Why implement the idea?
If we are willing to invite more player bases than those oriented around PvP, this would be a great step in doing so since it allows passionate builders to do what they want in the environment of Loka and with the ability to show case it to them.


Well-Known Member
Only problem I see is if we have like 2 dozen of these towns then it’s harder for people trying to play conquest because it still uses a tile


Well-Known Member
Loka is a PVP server. I think its a cool idea but there are other places for this. Loka Already allows schematica which is a big step in the right direction. What I would like is if a newly made town could not be raided for a week. This gives new players a time to settle into the server and get some builds going rather than everyone needing to dig a underground hole until they can finish some walls.


Active Member
I for one say Loka should become a creative building server amirite(not really).

Although I love building and messing around with things of that nature (as Steve said) Loka isn't necessarily a building server. Simply having a little box that no one else can interact with can be found on many other creative servers. The beauty of building in survival is that you have to find a balance between functionality and beauty. To build off of your example, I for one view challenges such as designing nice walls as hurdles in my attempts to create a better town. I recently spent hours (if not days) designing walls that could fit into Valentia. Although I had several OK attempts (look wise) they were all easily raidable. Incorporating the functionality is what was really challenging and forced me to think a whole lot more.

Bottom line is anyone can build a creative builds that looks good within time. However, Loka further challenges these builders by forcing them to add in a functional aspect.


Active Member
Loka is a PVP server. I think its a cool idea but there are other places for this. Loka Already allows schematica which is a big step in the right direction. What I would like is if a newly made town could not be raided for a week. This gives new players a time to settle into the server and get some builds going rather than everyone needing to dig a underground hole until they can finish some walls.


Active Member
-1 as the owner of a town of builders myself, I also love conquest, and if you were never able to do conquest, the server would be a lot less fun. additionally, Loka is a pvp server, and is not the place for this.


-1 as the owner of a town of builders myself, I also love conquest, and if you were never able to do conquest, the server would be a lot less fun. additionally, Loka is a pvp server, and is not the place for this.
Just an FYI I'm not saying to remove conquest entirely if you like to build, I'm just giving an option for those who want to build on the server primarily.


Active Member
Just an FYI I'm not saying to remove conquest entirely if you like to build, I'm just giving an option for those who want to build on the server primarily.
I completely understand that, and for a while I was thinking of something similar myself, but the thing that makes Loka unique and appealing is conquest. If you don't want to do that, there are tons of servers that do exactly what you're saying, so there's not much of a point to having it on Loka. It's not only building that makes Loka what it is, it's conquest and raiding, pvp and building civilisations. if you remove such a crucial part of Loka, it's no longer the same. Again, if you want that, there are servers catering to your preferences, go there.


Well-Known Member
I completely understand that, and for a while I was thinking of something similar myself, but the thing that makes Loka unique and appealing is conquest. If you don't want to do that, there are tons of servers that do exactly what you're saying, so there's not much of a point to having it on Loka. It's not only building that makes Loka what it is, it's conquest and raiding, pvp and building civilisations. if you remove such a crucial part of Loka, it's no longer the same. Again, if you want that, there are servers catering to your preferences, go there.
I have to agree. If someone wants to hoard builders, they can build a wall and be safe from attacks. And build away.

Resourcss being limited in conquest also limits blocks those builder towns could get. They have to provide something to earn somethig.


Staff member
One of the biggest reasons we don't have this is that we'd somehow have to block the Builder Town from being able to trade with anyone on the server. It would be unfair for a town to be unraidable and protected while somehow potentially giving other towns supplies for any reason. Them having stores for anything that could be used for PvP that are unraidable (such as it is) would be problematic.


Active Member
I think if you're coming to Loka you're coming for the entire package and to do stuff like section off any particular town because they only want to participate in one aspect would be bad. I think the reason that well built towns on Loka are more impressive is because of all the things they have to work past when building it, collecting resources, defending from raiders and of course the actual designing of a town that both looks nice and is functional. It is these limitations that make building on Loka more interesting than just another towny server. That being said I do like the idea of adding more functional buildings that may aid with defending a town maybe things that function similar to a radar and have a module on top that can be used to defend a town but can be disabled by getting charges off on it.