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Suggestion Building industry idea


Well-Known Member
Quick idea i had

What if building industry would be a small building that would for a specific price either sell or transform or create the https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Debug_Stick

This could be really useful and helpful for builders - when dealing with fences that we wouldn't want to connect to adjacent blocks or spicing up our roofs, and stuff like that.

And if possible - made so if carried out of town - instantly dissapear, same as books from library, so not sold too much out.

p.s. Also as the left click cycles through block states overall, maybe some of the states for some blocks could be disabled to avoid bad things
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I love this idea to give builders a new option to decorate. I don't know too much about the debug stick but it sounds like there would be many manual options that would have to be turned off. This is an amazing idea but I feel the dev team would have to dedicate a lot of time to it. Makes it hard when other features have priority