9.1. Don't repeatedly kill the same person.
9.2. Don't camp in a town or around spawn, this includes the nether area for each.
What is the distinction between these two? How do we define "camping"?
The subject came up in chat today. Psychedelic was hanging out in Santahatninja's town, effectively preventing Santa from leaving without being attacked by Psych. Santa brought up a point; in the rules, camping is disallowed. Psych replied that he was not camping, only "waiting for a kill", and cited that magpie and crypt had confirmed that this was allowed. Mtn was also present, and while he confirmed that magpie and crypt had indeed said this, expressed his confusion with the conflict between this statement and the two rules above.
If it is legal to hang out in someone else's town in a pvp situation, and camping is only possible when someone is repeatedly killing someone else, why does the second of the two rules above exist?
Post yo thoughts.
9.2. Don't camp in a town or around spawn, this includes the nether area for each.
What is the distinction between these two? How do we define "camping"?
The subject came up in chat today. Psychedelic was hanging out in Santahatninja's town, effectively preventing Santa from leaving without being attacked by Psych. Santa brought up a point; in the rules, camping is disallowed. Psych replied that he was not camping, only "waiting for a kill", and cited that magpie and crypt had confirmed that this was allowed. Mtn was also present, and while he confirmed that magpie and crypt had indeed said this, expressed his confusion with the conflict between this statement and the two rules above.
If it is legal to hang out in someone else's town in a pvp situation, and camping is only possible when someone is repeatedly killing someone else, why does the second of the two rules above exist?
Post yo thoughts.