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Active Member
9.1. Don't repeatedly kill the same person.
9.2. Don't camp in a town or around spawn, this includes the nether area for each.

What is the distinction between these two? How do we define "camping"?

The subject came up in chat today. Psychedelic was hanging out in Santahatninja's town, effectively preventing Santa from leaving without being attacked by Psych. Santa brought up a point; in the rules, camping is disallowed. Psych replied that he was not camping, only "waiting for a kill", and cited that magpie and crypt had confirmed that this was allowed. Mtn was also present, and while he confirmed that magpie and crypt had indeed said this, expressed his confusion with the conflict between this statement and the two rules above.

If it is legal to hang out in someone else's town in a pvp situation, and camping is only possible when someone is repeatedly killing someone else, why does the second of the two rules above exist?

Post yo thoughts.


Let's clear this up. I had access to a kill most of the time I was there. I was not waiting for a kill, but santa had hinted that something was going to happen, I was curious so I stuck around for a bit. However, I did state that in the event that I did want to kill him I could. I've been told that I can wait for a kill as long as I want, by Mag I believe, dunno about crypt. I think the rules really just need to be mashed into one, unless there's something I'm missing.


Well-Known Member
I think this rule means that the same person cannot be killed repetitively. So, psy wouldn't be allowed to sit inside the town and wait for santa to respawn and then kill him. Hanging around outside a town menacingly is not even remotely breaking the rules to be honest.


Active Member
adderman500 said:
I think this rule means that the same person cannot be killed repetitively. So, psy wouldn't be allowed to sit inside the town and wait for santa to respawn and then kill him. Hanging around outside a town menacingly is not even remotely breaking the rules to be honest.

It's pretty obvious from the first rule that repeatedly killing one person is not allowed, adder. The question is, how is the second rule different from the first? Is it a redundant specification? "Don't repeatedly kill the same person" would obviously include "Don't [repeatedly kill the same person] in a town or around spawn". Or does it have a greater meaning?

Also, just a small thing, psy wasn't hangin' outside santas town, he was very much inside it. :p


Well-Known Member
What exactly is a camp? Raiders and admins seem to have different opinions.


Staff member
Repeatedly killing somebody is one thing, but then hanging around in someone's town for an hour knowing that your presence is effectively preventing them from playing the game, be it for trolling, thievery, or whatever else reasons is camping.

I suspect we'll never "exactly define a camp" because, like always, the definition will then be the line that gets pushed. If an admin feels it's time for you to move on, it's for a reason, and you should oblige.


Well-Known Member
Cryptite said:
Repeatedly killing somebody is one thing, but then hanging around in someone's town for an hour knowing that your presence is effectively preventing them from playing the game, be it for trolling, thievery, or whatever else reasons is camping.

I suspect we'll never "exactly define a camp" because, like always, the definition will then be the line that gets pushed. If an admin feels it's time for you to move on, it's for a reason, and you should oblige.

It often takes an hour or more to cannon, so it hardly seems fair to say that. Also, what if the town members are not even online?


Staff member
Zor95 said:
It often takes an hour or more to cannon, so it hardly seems fair to say that. Also, what if the town members are not even online?

I wouldn't say cannoning applies in this case because often cannoning (seems to be) done when victim town members aren't online. If they are, they can choose to try to come kill you. Same goes for empty towns (nobody online, rather) because you're not exactly killing somebody's active experience. Provided you're not causing extreme damage, which then begets griefing, it's not quite camping.

Camping usually comes after repetitive killing, and that's where we admins usually begin to intervene.


Well-Known Member

Also, does this rule or bullying cover repetitively raiding a specific town? Liek... am I only allowed to raid a town once a week if said town does not return the favo(u)r?


Active Member
Zor95 said:
What exactly is a camp? Raiders and admins seem to have different opinions.

That's essentially the question this thread is asking. :p

Cryptite said:
Repeatedly killing somebody is one thing, but then hanging around in someone's town for an hour knowing that your presence is effectively preventing them from playing the game, be it for trolling, thievery, or whatever else reasons is camping.

Then the term camping doesn't itself entail the act of killing somebody? I thought so too, as that would fall under both repeatedly killing somebody and bullying (assuming they aren't first attacking you). By your description, camping is chillin' in somebody elses town for about an hour+, keeping them from walking around and playing the game normally.


Artagan said:
Psych replied that he was not camping, only "waiting for a kill", and cited that magpie and crypt had confirmed that this was allowed. Mtn was also present, and while he confirmed that magpie and crypt had indeed said this, expressed his confusion with the conflict between this statement and the two rules above.

Did you say at the time that there was a limit as to how long Psych could wait for his kill? Did you think it was implied? Or did you mean something entirely different from camping?