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Suggestion Capital Guard Customization


Active Member
Capital Guards are cool, but could be cooler. Here are some ideas I had:

Capitals get to pick what color combinations to have on the armor and maybe have their banners as capes- if that can be done separately on each continent.
Different types of guards:
  • Archers: lower health than standard guards but have ranged attack
  • Axe guard: higher health but slower
  • Tax collector: rides a donkey protected by other guards. Said donkey drops some power shards (take that capital!)


Well-Known Member
Uniforms: Capitals get to pick what color combinations to have on the armor and maybe have their banners as capes- if that can be done separately on each continent.

Unfortunately editing the actual skin the guards have is nearly impossible without going to great lengths. You can, however, have them wear different colored leather armor or just give them a cape that is the banner of the Capital town.

I would definitely like to see a bit more variety though. That would be pretty cool. And with colors now identifying which town they belong to we can grow the seeds of resistance by spreading dissent for the capital.

NOTE: Capes would only be visible to those with optifine or something similar. So I guess that idea is a bit less viable.


Well-Known Member

nothing ridiculous for me :p Id love if players could do that on Loka too. :D


Well-Known Member
That picture... It looks like you took a roll of duck tape and just strapped it to the back of your head. I love it.

I guess this is an ok replacement until shield in 1.9 come out. Then you can just put the Capital banner on their shield.


Well-Known Member
But having it on both - Shield and banner on head, would be even cooler. :D

You could like, March with your troops, and archers equipping the flags would bring fear into anyone that sees them coming.