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capybara Unban appeal and apology

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Active Member
Dear Loka,
I have come to the forums today to state my appeal. Approximately five months ago I was banned for harassment. Now I do not exactly know who I specifically harassed to receive the ban but I know who I was those months ago. I was very toxic to everyone I met back then. Although I was warned multiple times I was still toxic in people's dms over discord as well as before I was muted in game. I was in a very bad place, playing almost 8-12 hours every day. I would like to formally apologize to the entire staff team and the server for my actions. I truly cannot stress how bad I feel for what I did. This community is so kind and was so welcoming to me, and I put out in return was hatred. Leading up to the ban I had directly messaged an insane amount of people saying curses and other immature insults. I would like to also state at the time I was a very immature 16 year old, now I have just turned 17 and further gotten my life on track. I am not asking for an immediate unban because I know my actions were harmful to others. I would be very grateful receiving a three to five month temporary ban to make sure I spend the time for my actions. I have changed in these months since the ban and have not been on any video games whatsoever. I feel I have matured as a person and if I am given a second chance I will not make the same mistakes I made when immature that time ago. I want anyone who has any questions or who wants a direct apology over discord to reach out, my tag is capybara92 Please leave any feedback on my appeal in the comments:)
Thank you so much for your time in reading my appeal and I hope you have an amazing rest of 2024!
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I've known Capy for around a year and he is one of the best friends I've made on the server. I think after his ban he has most definitely changed for the better and has become a way more mature person. big +1 freeup


Active Member
I've known capy for far longer then yyer did he's kind of buns at the game but I still love him. Please unban this guy hes literally a great person and deserves to rejoin the comm. Please bring back the 2x1 hole king. +1 hes grown alot in the past months def and has learned to be more controlled.
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