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Suggestion Chair changes


New Member
This is probably a small thing but it's been bugging me since I started making chairs. As you probably know, to make a chair you need to have at least 1 stair block, with a sign on each side. This works perfectly for part of the time. However, when making restaurants and bars there are usually seats that go into a wall, in which you are only able to reasonably place 1 sign on, unless you dig a hole in the wall which looks unsightly. I am requesting that to be able to sit in a chair, it needs at least 1 sign on the end, so it would satisfy my annoyance with wall-side chairs, but not make it possible to be exploited how being able to sit in any stair regardless of signs would be.

Thank you for reading,


Well-Known Member
I believe I have seen this suggestion been made previously. I think someone commented that the problem is that it would make a lot of things people did not intend to have as chairs into chairs. Regardless of whether this change is made, though, I have noticed that chairs do not store your location of where you were standing when you right click to sit on them. Doing that, I think, would eliminate a large source of chair cheese. (Using them to glitch through walls/gaps/etc). Though, not sure if this is entirely necessary or needed. I would however, greatly enjoy being able to make some chairs in tighter quarters.