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Suggestion Chair Suggestions


Well-Known Member
Please make these sittable chairs on Loka. I want to sit in places in spawn that don't have signs and in the fishing tournaments where they all use item frames. If possible, add in sitting achievements for sitting in chairs for long periods.


Well-Known Member
I think this would be cool only in spawn or eternal places because this can be used for raiding and so many more bugs


Well-Known Member
Make achievements for making weird and bizarre suggestions, but suggestions that are stuff we needed this entire time and just realized it.


Well-Known Member
Make achievements for making weird and bizarre suggestions, but suggestions that are stuff we needed this entire time and just realized it.
The suggestion tab is outside of this thread where you can always suggest more achievements. I don’t want my mc character to get back pains from being in bad minecart collision chairs then watch as they despawn since i left the chunk :duck: