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No Plans to Implement Change How Bedrock Works


Active Member
I always felt like bedrock shouldn't have more then 3 players cause like its supposed to be the highest rank possible in the game you know. I was Thinking that bedrock instead of being a certain Elo is dependent on how much more Elo you have compared to other players. you would of course need the Elo to at least netherite 3( not sure of it) but for example if netherite 3 was 300 Elo then number 1 bedrock has a Elo of 400 number 2 has like 350 and number 3 has 320 the placements would switch out dependent on who has more Elo which is how it already works. But Now there is a limited amount of bedrocks instead of probably 6 plus at the end of the season. (ik some high ranks are gonna -1 but its just my thought.) Tldr basically make bedrock have 3 people max per season so there isn't 5 plus. (alot of players prob wont like this but whatever)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I challenge you to find a single game that does this with their ranking system. It makes little to no sense. The only changes that will be made at some point in the future are some kind of visible rating for players that have hit bedrock, which will almost act as a mini leaderboard of their own.


Active Member
I challenge you to find a single game that does this with their ranking system. It makes little to no sense. The only changes that will be made at some point in the future are some kind of visible rating for players that have hit bedrock, which will almost act as a mini leaderboard of their own.
league of legends does this with their ranking system. whether it is good for loka's idk but just putting it out there


Well-Known Member
People on the same rank should be of equal skill level (essentially their elo should match). If this was the case it'd be down to whoever can play the absolute most ranked matches possible to ensure they're above people who are (potentially at least) the same skill or very slightly worse than them. It'd come down to strategic trading of spots which is definitely not beneficial with how few people are actually ranked that high.