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Implemented Change Pearl Failed Mechanic


Well-Known Member
The pearl failed mechanic was implemented to prevent people from glitching in blocks which for the most part has worked. I'd like to suggest that if your pearl fails you either get it refunded or its cooldown halved (8s -> 4s). This is because in many cases players are punished for using their pearl For example: Pearling into a glass pane, fence, cobble wall. In my opinion it's unfair for your pearl to be wasted and to have to wait the full cooldown especially if you're in combat.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Instead of failing, pearls now try to find a good spot, working backwards from where it came, that it should tp the player. It will also try to centre the player in the block so that you don't wind up in weird places. These checks won't happen if you're in your town and have perms.