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Suggestion Changes to make End more usable for smaller groups


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The End docks, not that continent and nether have become yellow pvp immediately outside of docks, has become a place where large groups of people have red tag pvp. This isn’t a problem, if people want to group up and risk some gear, I’m all for it, my problem with it is in how close the entrance to the dragon island is to the docks.

This hasn’t been a problem for a long time, however, with the recent dramatic increase in player base at nearly all times, especially large groups of pvpers interested in fighting with gear on the line, at any time somewhat close to peak hours, there is always someone, often 5 or more people loitering in or around the end docks.

The end itself is large enough, and has bare areas to grind pearls, this isn’t a problem, but for people that want to obtain an elytra, the entrance to the dragon isle is within sight of the dock, meaning people can just watch out, and during those peak hours it becomes much more difficult to get a dragon fight done, unless you have a large group to keep the area clear while you do.

I feel like this change, moving it to another end island, or far away on the current island it is on, would also help the people who want these end fights where they risk gear, as, right now, unless you have crystals and can get a pretty good start on whoever you’re chasing, they could pearl to the dragon island, and jump through the portal to spawn without finishing the fight.

Also open to other thoughts on how we might rework the end, I’m not a fan of making it all yellow tag, but I’d like to see something change with it to make it friendlier to a smaller band of players.
The End docks, not that continent and nether have become yellow pvp immediately outside of docks, has become a place where large groups of people have red tag pvp. This isn’t a problem, if people want to group up and risk some gear, I’m all for it, my problem with it is in how close the entrance to the dragon island is to the docks.

This hasn’t been a problem for a long time, however, with the recent dramatic increase in player base at nearly all times, especially large groups of pvpers interested in fighting with gear on the line, at any time somewhat close to peak hours, there is always someone, often 5 or more people loitering in or around the end docks.

The end itself is large enough, and has bare areas to grind pearls, this isn’t a problem, but for people that want to obtain an elytra, the entrance to the dragon isle is within sight of the dock, meaning people can just watch out, and during those peak hours it becomes much more difficult to get a dragon fight done, unless you have a large group to keep the area clear while you do.

I feel like this change, moving it to another end island, or far away on the current island it is on, would also help the people who want these end fights where they risk gear, as, right now, unless you have crystals and can get a pretty good start on whoever you’re chasing, they could pearl to the dragon island, and jump through the portal to spawn without finishing the fight.

Also open to other thoughts on how we might rework the end, I’m not a fan of making it all yellow tag, but I’d like to see something change with it to make it friendlier to a smaller band of players.
I agree with this, I think this is a knock-on effect from nether becoming yellow tag.

I'm not saying yellow tag end, but im saying yellow tag end.
I don't think moving it will help much of anything in regards to people watching docks because people will still watch docks for others running in and out towards wherever it might be moved to, however I believe that it will improve the situation with ganks. Another option (which could be paired with the former) could be to add a yellow tag zone around the end Docks. I know a lot of people really aren't going to like this but I believe it might be logical.

Something I really want to see at some point or another is an area (whether it be at spawn or elsewhere) where ganks can occur. Although it'd become irrelevant after the end/Nether inevitably get redone and have more red tags and such, I think it'd still be a fun place for peeps to gank each other however much they want.
I don't think moving it will help much of anything in regards to people watching docks because people will still watch docks for others running in and out towards wherever it might be moved to, however I believe that it will improve the situation with ganks. Another option (which could be paired with the former) could be to add a yellow tag zone around the end Docks. I know a lot of people really aren't going to like this but I believe it might be logical.

Something I really want to see at some point or another is an area (whether it be at spawn or elsewhere) where ganks can occur. Although it'd become irrelevant after the end/Nether inevitably get redone and have more red tags and such.
Yeah, I'm not really expecting it to improve the situation with people waiting for ganks. Just trying to give people a way that they can get at least one dragon fight in without getting immediately dropped on, because the death sound plays everywhere and the dragon isle is so close(especially with fast travel.)
death sound plays everywhere and the dragon isle is so close(especially with fast travel.)
I think it might also be worth considering making the death sound (and I believe the sky color if i remember correctly) only apply to the dragon island. It's hella hard to grind more than a few elytras because of this and it's already easy enough to check the Dragon Island.
Just trying to give people a way that they can get at least one dragon fight in without getting immediately dropped on
Yeah I definitely like the idea overall I'm just not sure how effective it'd be considering how desperate some people are for ganks at times, although I'm sure it'd help to a good capacity.
Been saying for months that loka needs some KOTH style event to keep the player base busy during non conquest times. Now's the time to push it.
What if the portal to the dragon island disables when someone does a dragon fight. Just an idea i came up with at 3am so it might be stupid
It’s good to get more ideas thrown out there but I don’t think this is a good plan, making any resource grinding area completely unaccessible when someone is using it feels cheap.
Been saying for months that loka needs some KOTH style event to keep the player base busy during non conquest times. Now's the time to push it.

This won't, and never will stop wild gankfights. It'll add more "event-based" pvp hotspots, but players will always want to coalesce around populated areas where they have the biggest opportunity to find and kill players (preferably if gear drops).
The main problem with this is that regardless where you put the portal people will use it to runaway when engaging in pvp, it will always be a hotspot for pvp. I think a solution can be maybe multiple portals scattered throughout the end ?
The main problem with this is that regardless where you put the portal people will use it to runaway when engaging in pvp, it will always be a hotspot for pvp. I think a solution can be maybe multiple portals scattered throughout the end ?
Yea I could see this working out a lot better than what else has been suggested thus far to be honest. Maybe even one day multiple dragon islands (when the end is inevitably changed up a bit)