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Cioffa(ToadqiiFan) In game Perma-Mute appeal


New Member
Hello everyone,

A few months ago I was perma muted after saying "end it all" to another player.
I understand that it was an extremely toxic thing to say and that it was completely unwarranted, getting mad doesn't give me the right to say such insensitive things to people and it's fair for me to get punished for an action like this.
A couple months after being perma muted I unfortunately lost a dear friend to self harm, and that experience was extremely eye opening, it made me realize the weight that "simple words" can have on someone's mental health and the damage that something like my message could've done to someone struggling with other problems.
Because of this I would firstly like to apologize to scotlxnd, something I'm ashamed to say I haven't done even once in the past months and if possible request that I be given a second chance by staff and the members of this community, especially the ones I directly offended with my behavior to be able to interact with people freely in chat once again.

Thanks for reading all the way through regardless of whatever your decision might be.
- Cioffa