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Clearhercules (ToeasyToKite) Unmute Appeal

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Hi I am Clearhercules but right now my IGN is ToEasyToKite. It has been 3 months since I was permuted for using distasteful language in the general chat. Over the 3 months I have become more careful of what I say and what is appropriate to say. I shouldn't have been racist and I regret saying it. I only ask if I could possibly be unmuted. I have waited and reformed myself over those 3 months and I promise not to make that mistake or those comments ever again. I was in the wrong and I am sorry for it.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We are willing to lift your mute. Please do be aware that any further chat offences will result in being perma muted again. So please treat it as if you are on a warning.
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