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Suggestion Client Side Netherwart??


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you can even do this, but I think netherwart should become a client side thing like RI's. Most of the time I go to the nether for netherwart it's all taken, and I can hardly ever get any for my town. I say make it client side but make the cooldown of the netherwart respawning longer just like the RI's so it isn't broken.


Well-Known Member
While conversing with other members of my alliance, we concluded that grinding has become increasingly tedious and borderline impossible at times. We all discussed the following ideas and want to get reactions from the community and staff in terms of feasibility.
  • Instanced Shrines
  • Instanced Nether Wart or faster re-spawn times
  • Instanced Glowstone and Quartz
  • Group Grinding in Nether and End
  • Double Mob Drops in exchange for Conquest Points over 24 hours
We believe that these changes are necessary for server growth as right now, it is challenging for totally new players to create a town. The amount of grinding that needs to occur to establish a new town is unrealistic for most players unless they have the support of an alliance. Currently, almost all of the new towns are created by experienced players who already have the support of an alliance, which eliminates possible new ones. This hampers growth by impeding the generation of new alliances on different continents, which would be great for the server as a whole. If it is changed so that players don't have to spend such a large amount of time grinding, they can focus on other aspects of the town. Loka, as it stands, is mostly just PvP and Grinding. There are not as many other things happening since the dedication to supporting these large towns requires grinding for hours.

Continental PvP is disappearing from 2/3 continents; this is another reason we included Double Mob Drops for CP. Implementing these changes would increase the amount of Continental PvP since Pot Mats wouldn't be as scarce and making it not as big of a commitment to fight since several hours of grinding could sustain the town for more than one or two large fights. PvP on all continents would make the server more active as there wouldn't be dead periods where people move to other continents in search of PvP and hopefully increase the active player-base.