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Suggestion Combat & Portals


Well-Known Member
1. The other day I was in end with my town messing around doing dragons & grinding pearls. After we were finished I hit one of my members into the portal and realized you could use the portal while in combat. I think this is scuffed because you basically can never die while grinding at the dragon island, all you have to do is run into the portal even if you're combat tagged. Boats don't let you teleport if in combat, so why should you be allowed to use the portal?

2. Another suggestion is, I was raiding Ducky's town yesterday and he let me into the storage where the portal happened to be and I took his stuff and just ran into the portal as soon as he tp'd. Diego later said "Petition to remove the ability to use a foreign town's portal" and I thought that's a dumb idea, but Sayre later improved that idea with why not have it so you can't use the portal when in combat.


Well-Known Member
The difference between the end portal and a boat, in my opinion, is the fact you actually have a large area to escape into on a normal continent. If I knew whenever I farmed dragons there's a chance of being ganked and finding it very difficult to escape I would probably only ever farm them when nobody was on and I knew I was a 100% safe.
At the least make the main end island a tad bigger
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for making this post, it has some points that from a pvp / raid standpoint really need addressing.

Somethings I agree with and would like to see prevented in combat tag is:

1) Cannot use end portal
2) Cannot use town portal ---> Have to be selective about when and how you raid, if its for kills or loot.
3) Cannot use ender pearl town perk ---> resets to the normal 16s cool down if tagged meaning town members can still pearl but nerfed
4) Cannot use infinite food town perk ---> Again this levels the playing field when fighting inside towns. It should be hard to raid but not impossible.