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Commander_12: Return to the Wastelands, Part 1


Active Member
So, some of you ( I really doubt anyone besides Jed and Tee would care) may have been wondering where I was during the summer and why I wasn't on Loka ( in reality I was working at a summer camp but this is going to be much more exciting lmao). Well, to further develop my backstory and to celebrate my one year on Loka, I'm to tell I what did over the summer and where I was. Fasten your seatbelts, because it's gonna be a bumpy ride... get ready to...

So, we have to travel back to June 2017 ( I don't know how Loka quite measures time, so I'm just gonna use real-life time instead) in order to understand where I was. In the humble town of Auru lived Commander_12. Having escaped from his destroyed reality, life on Loka could not have been better. Living in a well-designed home with a lot of Illamas and donkeys and his loyal wolf, Clint and a cozy fire, Commander had no reason to go anywhere else. Yes, he did like to venture all over Loka, traveling to the ancient ruins of Sunward in Garama, exploring the caves under the Deadlands and achieving his dream of finally visiting Sudkuste in Ascalon, Commander had done a fair amount of traveling in his time on Loka. Despite some run-ins with a few enemy towns and some monsters, life for Commander have been better. Yet, he still felt like something was off. Like something was calling back to his past.

One night as he lay getting ready for a bed, Commander heard a loud explosion by the West wall of Auru. Immediately running out of his house, fumbling for a minute to get his armor on and going as quick as he can, he noticed the sky around him had turned a slight cobalt blue. It reminded him something.
" No , it can't be. The sky is the same colour as the portal that I came here to get to Loka" He thought.
But he pushed the thought aside. With his loyal wolf, Clint at his side, Commander continued onwards to the Western Wall of Auru, unaware of what was going to occur. What was going to force him to confront his past.

Reaching the Western wall of Auru, Commander immediately noticed the fire. Houses that had built were burning down to the ground and there was a giant hole located in what had formerly known as the Western wall of Auru.
" Ah, shit!" Commander_12 said out aloud, not quite sure how to process this.
Looking down at Clint, the wolf seemed to give the look of " I don't know".
The buildings that were on fire were the least of concern to Commander as they were fairly old and had no chance of spreading. The big problem that he had though, was the giant freaking hole in the wall. Immediately running outside to see what had caused all the damage, Commander was shocked by he what he saw. Lodged into the side of a tree, was the portal. IT WAS THAT PORTAL. The one he had used to travel to Loka. The one that his uncle had told him that he had destroyed. The one that connected this world to his old one. In it, he could the vague outline of a cliff and a blue sky but nothing else. Commander was in complete and utter shock. How on Earth did this portal still exist and why on Earth was in here in Kalros, outside the Western wall of Auru and not buried deep below the surface of Alarda, the portal being destroyed from the other side. This literally made no sense.
"This can't be here. IT SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" Commander yelled at the top of his lungs.
"Yes, it is here." a voice behind Commander.
Stepping out from behind the shadows, stood an old and depict looking man Commander had never seen before. But yet something about him was oddly familiar.
The old man continued on to say:
" Andy, you need to return home. There is still much work to be done. Maestro wishes to destroy other worlds beyond these."
Commander, being flabbergasted and angered by the appearance of this man, yelled angrily at him
" No, I am not going back there... not after that fateful day in Crowmure.." Commander said
" Andy, you don't understand. This doesn't only affect your old world and Loka, this has the potential to affect the whole multiverse. All of it could potentially just disappear and die if the Maestro gets his way with things. He'll send the same plague that affected your old world into every other conceivable reality that he can get his hands on. Only you can stop him"
" Ok... wait a minute. This sounds like some comic-book mumbo-jumbo bullshit my uncle and father were obsessed with as kids. Multiverse? I thought that never could exist. It's impossible."
" But Andy, it's true all of it. One deviant action or choice someone does in one timeline that is different from your own reality leads to the creation of infinite timelines and choices. And in turn, those build off each other, leading us to the current situation that we are in. Think of it as the Butterfly Effect but nowhere near as damaging. Let's say you choose to go mining one day but there was also a chance you wanted to go raiding instead. Well, because of the choice and all the potential other choices that you could have made, this leads to the creation of different timelines, even caused by the smallest of changes. These new timelines could just like yours with minor differences or it could possibly have huge, drastic changes that you never saw coming. Trust me, the idea and the mechanics of the multiverse are very confusing."
" So, let me guess. I have to return to my old world to stop this threat of the Mastero?"
" Yes, exactly on the dot. The fate of everything that has ever existed and will exist is upon your shoulders. You must also confront your past if you wish to do this, Andy."
Commander looks onward onto the portal, feeling incredibly nervous says to the old man:
" Who are you, and how did you get here? Why me?
The old man smiles but there appears to a look of sadness on his face. He goes on to say:
" You will find out in time, child. But now is not the time for answers. The time is for action. You must save your own world and the countless others that lie out there in that vast multiverse. You will one day learn the truth. But today is not that day."
Looking down at Clint, Commander goes on to say:
" Well, buddy. You ready for another adventure?"
Woofing back as if he was saying yes, Commander looks to the old man and he nods.
" you must go now, my child. Your past and the future of everything waits for you."
" Alright if you say so."
Stepping forward, Commander feels anxiety and panic but with his trusty wolf at his side, he is ready. He is ready to confront the past and save the future. It is time for Commander to return to where it all started and where it might all end. It's time to go to Crowmure, Grimdale and the rest of that godforsaken world. It is time. Stepping forward and walking towards the cobalt blue portal and the cliffside on the other side, Commander steps through. He is home. And he is not happy at what he sees.
That is part 1 of Commander_12: Return to the Wastelands. I hoped you enjoyed and I hope you have an awesome day :). Part 2 is coming soon :)


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