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Commentary: 2018-2019 Review on Loka and my stance on conquest / what can be improved.

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You join the game, and you get some people to make a village with you. Once you do that and start to gain some power you would then attack other towns. Once you have won plenty of battles and have the top strength for the month then you are the capital of the continent.

That’s the main most basic summary you can really give about Loka. The PVP aspect of the game has been catered to PVPers very much so and staff has gone above and beyond on sustaining that. However as a player who as played for over a year, I can’t help but feel a short sense of repetitiveness.

Please post what you think below but in my personal opinion I think since Loka is in such a good standing right now, then they should really dig deep into in depths mechanics. Now I don’t really know what those should be just yet. I just know there needs to be more, because anything can be improved.

Now we have Balak and Ravina which is very cool and gave a very nice twist to the game. However, I believe Loka should dig more in depth as to how a kingdom gets capital. I get they fight for power and whoever wins becomes capital but there should be more to that than just getting power.

Yes power is a big factor but what about influence? What about the support of the other towns? There is just a lot more creative planning that can now be added into the basic gameplay. On how to achieve capital than just fighting towns and farming territories to see who has the most strength. I feel as that, we rely on that too much.

Towns do that, and it takes away from the achievement of getting the capital. There needs to be more than just strength to get it. Say for instance influence becomes a factor of how to achieve capital, then that FORCES players to communicate with each other. To work out deals and add more to player lore.

Also when towns are the capital, they should actually do some work. Not just get perks they get to share with their alliance. Players need to know if they want to take on being capital they need to put work into it if they really deserve it!

If a town got capital and earned it then they should hmmm, I don’t know have more task? Additional task that only capitals are tasked. I don’t know what those task would mainly be but you would think they could be maintaining relationships with other supporting towns and stuff. Say if the capitol is doing a poor job then there could be a rebellion or something.

For a town that wants to go for capital, what if it became a quest of its own? Giving them quest like, gain the support of 3 towns, and win this many battles and have this much strength and stuff.

Bottom line, from a player. I’d say spice it up alot more please. Who knows, staff could already be in the works on something to spice it up. There are so many more ideas that can be added into the line of conquest and how to achieve the capital. The possibilities are endless and I have been waiting and waiting through every update and still nothing. Now it’s not the staffs fault, they have been doing a hands down amazing job. The quest are fun and feed the role play side of me. All I’m saying is, there needs to be more. In my solid opinion I feel Loka did a great job in 2018 - 2019, it’s just I feel they really need to step it up on the basic conquest this year a lot.
I mean personally I'm in line to get cap on Garama strictly through political standings/relations I have with people. I also gathered wealth through hosting raffles at events run by players who were more notable than I. I like to look at Loka as a sandbox where with your own creativity and ingenuity you can accomplish much (Think EVE online in that aspect.)

The PvE team has a pretty heft list of things we are working on but it is my personal goal to give more to do outside of conquest and to have PvE that will feed into itself. Don't expect anything on this soon we have a lot to do and it is mostly visions each dev has in their head until we have the time to dedicate towards it as a team.

Something along gaining the support of 3 other towns or anything like that feeds into the issue of nerfing politically unestablished players who roll in and want to overthrow their tyrannical overloads that have gained the support of the server. Players are already forced to communicate most of the time or lose their land due to Bountiful Territories or being an uninvolved member of a current war being waged on their continent.

If you want to have an impact then ally up or supply materials and be their grindy bois. There are countless things needed to supply a war effort and PvP is only a portion of what is needed to be able to wage wars on Loka. I think if we make certain aspects of the server "deeper" we end up railroading a player's freedom to play as they want

also just saying this is personal opinion on the matter ignore that weird little guardian title cuz this might not be the explicit opinion of other staff members or the server
No, you brought up some really good points that I was actually oblivious to! Also, I understand, the support of 3 other towns can have some side effects I wasn't actually aware of. I can definitely understand that.
I don't have a problem with Conquest 3 so far. There are some things I would like to see changed like tgens / inhibitors right on the edges of cliffs and battle zones. Also buffing and nerfing mods as needed.
I see where you're coming from, and with how bad I am at PvP, I'm definitely looking forward to more PvE content too. However, I really don't think what you're suggesting is reasonable here.

As a new player 8 or so months ago, I was absolutely baffled by Loka's systems at first. Upon joining, I was sent into a tutorial I didn't really understand. Then I was put into the main world and was immediately picked up by Seagulls, as many new players are by various Towns. I went from a totally new player interested in the server to a totally new player confused by the server, surrounded by Industries and Town things and zones, with no lead-up whatsoever. I was absolutely lost, and left the server for a few months before re-discovering it with NN. This is, I believe, a common issue on Loka, new players being immediately snatched up and overwhelmed with things they don't understand. How to fix that issue, I don't know, and that's not the purpose of this thread.

What you're suggesting is essentially integrating Conquest with lore and politics. To quote Crypt on a different thread, "Your average Minecraft [player] doesn't care about geopolitics, negotiations, trade-agreements, and the like." Making what is currently the main aspect of the entire server focus on something the vast majority of players are not interested is problematic. Even if a player was very politcally-minded, lore and server politics take a good amount of time to get in to and understand. That would, in turn, turn new players away from the server by making its main feature difficult to grasp.

Again, I do see where you're coming from, and I know you well enough to understand you love server lore/politics. I've stated before that you talk like a fantasy writer, which is super cool :D However, as mentioned above, I think new player retention is already an issue of its own without making Conquest less appealing to the masses. Politics and lore will always exist on a server like this, but these things are better off not being forced by Conquest regulations, but rather crafted by the players themselves as they see fit.
Again, I do see where you're coming from, and I know you well enough to understand you love server lore/politics. I've stated before that you talk like a fantasy writer, which is super cool :D However, as mentioned above, I think new player retention is already an issue of its own without making Conquest less appealing to the masses. Politics and lore will always exist on a server like this, but these things are better off not being forced by Conquest regulations, but rather crafted by the players themselves as they see fit.

I mean, I sort of get the gist of what you are saying and the point you are getting across. Also thank you, I do like my roleplay. I just need to make sure that you do understand that my main point is to make capitals more effective. Although I may have stumbled across on lore and politics, the main point to be made here is sort of being overlooked. I am not saying directly add lore/ politics. Even though I may have stumbled across ideas of it, that was not my main point. The main point is to make capitals more effective and to make conquest not as repetitive. Potentially asking, what can staff do to spice up or edit mechanics of conquest 3. The Lore idea was a mere far-fetched suggestion, however, the main point again is conquest to get the capital and how it could be repetitive / and how capitals need to play a more effective role. Just needed to you reclarify so that the main points are given spotlight.

I don't have a problem with Conquest 3 so far. There are some things I would like to see changed like tgens / inhibitors right on the edges of cliffs and battle zones. Also buffing and nerfing mods as needed.

Could you explain buffing and nerfing mods?

Bottom line, I do see where the confusion line is being drawn out which is why I can totally see where everyone is coming from. I do believe that Pear did sum it up pretty well earlier in his response to me.
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One thing I'd make a minor side note of: What are the causes for towns that win in conquest becoming 'Capital'? This title doesn't really compliment what it means at all. I understand that it's simply to express they're the strongest force supposedly but the name is unsual, it's a rather pandantic complaint but still interested.
One thing I'd make a minor side note of: What are the causes for towns that win in conquest becoming 'Capital'? This title doesn't really compliment what it means at all. I understand that it's simply to express they're the strongest force supposedly but the name is unsual, it's a rather pandantic complaint but still interested.
powerful ones
When you're new to the server and don't know the names of the big guys, that capital mark is sure helpful.

Plus the title is coool with three O's because I can't type.
Ok so my last reply was pretty rushed and I'm only getting to this now
Now we have Balak and Ravina which is very cool and gave a very nice twist to the game. However, I believe Loka should dig more in depth as to how a kingdom gets capital. I get they fight for power and whoever wins becomes capital but there should be more to that than just getting power.
I agree other things would be cool.

Yes power is a big factor but what about influence? What about the support of the other towns? There is just a lot more creative planning that can now be added into the basic gameplay. On how to achieve capital than just fighting towns and farming territories to see who has the most strength. I feel as that, we rely on that too much.
This is already represented in voting for who picks policies. If this were implemented it would prevent worthy but controversial towns from being capital. Exploitation around town boosting has always been a problem. For example the 6 minute inhibitor timers used to take effect next to all towns. It was easy then for people to have multiple towns set up in alliances with only their adjacent territories guaranteeing their 6 minutes on any fights. That being said what would stop people from making several towns to straight up vote an enemy out of becoming capital. A counterargument to this is that the implementation of alliance based votes could be added. However, this is still ineffective due to the fact that all towns could leave the alliance right before capitals are chosen and simply recreate it as soon as truce begins. Finally I want to look at some examples of power mattering more than influence. There have been several times when powerful forces have had control over a country or even a city when they were not welcomed. For example Hitler's control over Poland while he had it certainly was not something that the Polish people appreciated.

Towns do that, and it takes away from the achievement of getting the capital. There needs to be more than just strength to get it. Say for instance influence becomes a factor of how to achieve capital, then that FORCES players to communicate with each other. To work out deals and add more to player lore.
On the contrary I believe that knowing you had the power to pull through another month or dethrone the current capital is quite rewarding. I enjoy the player lore on Loka but to me I have always seen it as second to PVP in the server's priority. Role play and such are all fun but it is optional and not something that should be forced on players because of their needs for the votes.

Also when towns are the capital, they should actually do some work. Not just get perks they get to share with their alliance. Players need to know if they want to take on being capital they need to put work into it if they really deserve it!

I agree, however, you have overlooked that there is work put into it. The work I am of course referring to is the defending of other towns. The list of requirements to fund war is a long one. Ancient Ingots, Pearls, Food, Potions, Tools, Weapons, Armor, Shulker boxes, Enderchests, Module resources, Paying for the territory etc. Working for these items as well as putting in the skill and effort to win the PVP battles of Loka in itself is earning the title of Capital. On the flip-side you have people like pear who are obtaining capital due to lack of contradiction. This is something that is hard to be solved by the Guardians and Elders (and Old One Magpieman) and hence falls in the laps of the community. If you feel as though someone is getting capital too easily then go out and be the one to make them pay. If you don't have the power wait until you can. Loka is a conquest server and if you're going to stop the lazy capital then go and stop the lazy capital from having everything easy and make them use resources. (Pear isn't lazy).

Overall I think your post has good suggestions but it seems to be more focused on the roleplay side of the server as apposed to the PVP side.

Oh also Buffing and Nerfing Mods. Make changes as necessary to weaken or strengthen specific modules. For example reducing damage taken from bleeding and making rallying charge also give regeneration 1
Have you thought about adopting any of these ideals of his? This is almost spot on.

The conclusion was that you and Archivist_'s ideas are fun to think about but cannot be applied to an actual, public game like Loka.

Why send a letter that can be intercepted when I can just send a message on Discord? Why talk in local chat with my town members when I can just talk in a VC with them?

Capital is a direct, intentional reward for winning at Conquest. You can choose to do that through diplomacy, PvP prowess, or a combination of both. Adding requirements like "gain the support of 3 towns" would serve only to solidify current powerhouses and encourage cheesy workarounds like making a handful of 3-member "proxy" towns. If the focus on PvP content is your main concern then know that there's a ton of PvE stuff in the works. Now that we're on 1.13 it should be smooth sailing for the PvE dev team.