Age: 14
Current Rank: Sentry
Rank Applying for: Guardian
What do I think is expected of this rank:
Catch rule breakers, check out suspicious characters, answer questions, helping stuck players, to remain peaceful and non-violent, to not be bias, make fair decisions, and in general protect the server.
Why do I think I should get this rank:
I do not normally steal and remain in a non-violent stance. (generally). I am currently reasonably wealthy and have no need to raid/loot . I help people often and this will help with that. I think (hope) i'm a nice person in general. I would like more powers to help protect the server.
When I started playing: 10 - 11 months ago I think
Time Zone: cant remember, live in NZ. Said it in my last application.
How often do I play?
Around 4-5 hours a weekday and 7-8 hours on weekends/holidays. adds up to around 40 hours a week .
Feedback please
Current Rank: Sentry
Rank Applying for: Guardian
What do I think is expected of this rank:
Catch rule breakers, check out suspicious characters, answer questions, helping stuck players, to remain peaceful and non-violent, to not be bias, make fair decisions, and in general protect the server.
Why do I think I should get this rank:
I do not normally steal and remain in a non-violent stance. (generally). I am currently reasonably wealthy and have no need to raid/loot . I help people often and this will help with that. I think (hope) i'm a nice person in general. I would like more powers to help protect the server.
When I started playing: 10 - 11 months ago I think
Time Zone: cant remember, live in NZ. Said it in my last application.
How often do I play?
Around 4-5 hours a weekday and 7-8 hours on weekends/holidays. adds up to around 40 hours a week .
Feedback please