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Suggestion Compasses point to the tgen of the tile you're in


Staff member
If I remember correctly compasses should point to docks, but I could be mistaken.

I thiiiiiiink it's your /home if you have one, or your town if you have one. Either way whatever it points to should probably be indicated as such in your actionbar when you pull it out so it's worth polishing that up a bit so it's clear to players.

It might also not even be working at all so that's a phat /shrugerino from me atm. This is super-duper easy to fix.

Either way I don't think it pointing to the tgen in your active tile is the most logical use for it, but we can talk it out.


Well-Known Member
I thiiiiiiink it's your /home if you have one, or your town if you have one. Either way whatever it points to should probably be indicated as such in your actionbar when you pull it out so it's worth polishing that up a bit so it's clear to players.

It might also not even be working at all so that's a phat /shrugerino from me atm. This is super-duper easy to fix.

Either way I don't think it pointing to the tgen in your active tile is the most logical use for it, but we can talk it out.
What about the option to toggle the compass to either the Tile’s T-Gen, Tile’s Inhibitor, docks, or /home or town? Shift+Right Click it to toggle what it is pointing at.


Well-Known Member
how about we restrain ourselves from complicating the server with unnecessary custom plugins and keep the gameplay as clean and analog as possible
Well, in some regions/continents the inhib pad is hard to find, yes you can get coordinates of the tgen off the dynmap and the inhib pad would be close by, but you don't know what direction and for example in a Jungle/mountainous area you can't see past grass, vines, trees, and a bunch of bushes or a cliff. I have also recently found out that some people don't know how to use coordinates so they can't find docks, but with a compass all they would need to do is follow the red needle. So I wouldn't say it's completely unnecessary or complicating as it would help players out.