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Complaint Against ArcherSquid

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Well-Known Member

As the screenshot shows, @ArcherSquid, one of our new Community Representatives, was making conversation about suicide as well as dropping the 'N' word. At the end of the day, do we really want someone who jokes around about suicide and drops the 'N' word casually Representing the server?


Well-Known Member
That is in OUR ALLIANCE CHAT YOU LEAKER!!!!!!!!! if u dont like it get OUT NOW.
last warning.
6. No Swearing or Offensive Behaviour
6.1. Don't use any words in public chat that could be seen as offensive, as all ages play on the server.
6.2. No racist comments or any other kind of discrimination.

As you see 6.2 doesn't specify public or private chats.


Staff member
While we don't condone that kind of behavior, we do have a fairly hands-off approach to private chats in terms of Town/Alliance/PM chats. If it gets out of hand, players are encouraged to come to Magpie or myself at which point we will step in to talk with relevant parties.

It's not what we'd like to see, but it's also private chat. Were it public chat it would be different.


Active Member
While we don't condone that kind of behavior, we do have a fairly hands-off approach to private chats in terms of Town/Alliance/PM chats. If it gets out of hand, players are encouraged to come to Magpie or myself at which point we will step in to talk with relevant parties.

It's not what we'd like to see, but it's also private chat. Were it public chat it would be different.


Active Member
I think he was talking about the band Slipknot... + I gave him the pass......
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