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Complaint on ReformedSM

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Hello all, I have a major issue with a current player on Loka, ReformedSM.

He typed in multiple messages, "I will find you, and I will kill you," which I am disgusted and frightened with how this person has not got banned/muted for his threats/profanity. He has been on Friday, October 19th, 2018, when he stated to myself, after I tried to help him to stop being muted, and he called me "idiot" as you can see, in the photo I have taken and will post in this thread, and he threatened to kill me in real life. If you read this complaint, please ban this rude delinquite. Please understand that I've been threatened in real life and in a game, so, this is a very serious matter. if you want further information, please contact me on discord, @Sir_Gother#9133. If you can help, mute, ban, or talk about this, that would be really appreciated.

From Sir_Gother, about ReformedSM


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What is this blasphemy!? I will have you know that this is some of the MOST false information that has EVER been posted onto the Loka Minecraft Servers Official Forum's; Complaints; Ban Disputes! I think that if anything we need to remove of the false informants such as Sir_Gother, who takes my words out of context.

Love ReformedSM, about Sir_Gother


Well-Known Member
I saw this all go done. I didnt see the kill part tho if it happened for I was in a duel. So what if he's a little toxic, we can't ban him for saying I will kill you. it could be kill as in the game.


Staff member
While it's certainly not a nice thing to say, it was public chat; Loka is a conflict, PvP server, and not all threats are 100% serious. Had this been in private messages, it would potentially be more serious. Public-chat death threats are a daily occurrence and most of them aren't serious. Should RSM harass you privately, please be sure to ask him to stop and then you are more than welcome to come to Magpie or I about the matter.
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