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Suggestion Conquest 4


Active Member
For further reading (justifications and detailed explanations) of my suggestions, I refer you to https://tinyurl.com/Conquest4

My entire list of proposed changes, their justifications, and explanations of why they would work in spite of arguments to the contrary can be found via the link above.

Please read this if you want to fully understand my perspective as a player and where these suggestions are coming from.

If you have any broad critiques of the document as a whole, please drop them here as opposed to under any of the other 4 posts accompanying this post.

I'd like to re-emphasize because some people have already DM'ed me asking, "Yo, can I get the tl;dr of your paper?", and my answer to that is this:

My 4 forums posts are the tl;dr of each of those respective ideas. I think the forums posts themselves are short and sweet and communicate the suggestions themselves.

If you want further reading, it's linked above, but reading the 4 forums posts I've posted today should be more than enough to understand what I want to see change with Conquest.

Thank you for your time, and I sincerely hope that the staff team will consider implementing the changes I am advocating for! :)