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Suggestion Conquest fix (rivi 2.0)


Well-Known Member
The hope is that even if this idea isn’t a direct fix for some issues like laggy fights when they’re really big etc. I want to at least inspire some ideas on this thread for new conquest updates.

-expand rivina in whatever creative way you want @koiandtheboys
- make placing on rivina dynamic; this would mean when the attacker places they can choose between a 10v10 (will take 30min to start), a 20v20 (will take 45min to start) and a 30v30 (takes an hour like normal fights)

there would need to be new content update to go with something like this and this idea could be expanded into continents too!

on normal continents it could start at like 25 vs 25 and go up to whatever the server can comfortably handle (50v50?)

new conquest/town systems and rules could be implemented as well to go with this. its just a baee idea. people should comment more suggestions or completely unrelated ideas


Well-Known Member
-1 most it should be is 15v15 or 20v20 thats all it needs tbh and no new continents just like some tiles 15v15 some 10v10 some 20v20
(highest tiles being 20v20)


Well-Known Member
-1 most it should be is 15v15 or 20v20 thats all it needs tbh and no new continents just like some tiles 15v15 some 10v10 some 20v20
(highest tiles being 20v20)
I agree with kippehz here for the numbers +1 w post