Hello fellow epic gamers!!!!!!
Conquest is pretty broken/unbalanced. I've experienced my fair share of Loka fights,

so I wouldn't consider myself a rookie when it comes down to it. Here are my main points below:
-Defense in its current state is too easy, creates a very difficult situation for the attackers, even when the attackers have a noticeable skill advantage
One of the biggest ways we can see this is to see Valyria vs Seagulls fights.

We would routinely average more kills and were largely seen as the more skilled side. But the overpoweredness of the modules, and the fact that we were outnumbered meant the odds of winning these fights was little to none. The defenders were able to routinely bail themselves out of losing trades by sitting in lingering death. I'm pretty sure y'all are aware how damning accidentally walking into a lingering death is, and it is pretty hard to survive lingering death for 10 seconds whilst also tanking potential multiple fighters.If we even dared to make a push or even get hit by a golem at all we would get toss backed, hit with mining fatigue and slowed which again just makes winning a 7v12 much more difficult, especially when you consider every 8 minutes they're constantly able to bring everyone back. Sure, it dosen't help us to have 2 players without kills, but they have 4 out of 12 players with kills, with 1 making up 11 of them. , I am aware you all know how damning accidentally walking into a lingering death is, and it is pretty hard to survive lingering death for 10 seconds whilst also tanking potential multiple fighters.

Taking it to a different time period. These fights also reinforce my point. The attackers, despite being similarly numbered, stood no real chance against a four module defense, and got dominated.

These aren't isolated incidents either. I could go through eldritch bot logs and probably pull out hundreds of these.
One more for good measure:
It is very important to note, that this doesn't happen all the time. There are times when the attackers overcome the odds and win the defenders. In theory, on an equal-person, near equal skill "war", the defenders should win about 60% of the time. That's usually not true. Either the attackers, (In the recent last big conquests I was apart of, this would be Best in the West, who fought on mainly attack) win about 95% of the time, or the defenders win 95% of the time (Noobville in South Valyria, Seagulls, Covenant, Silverhand, etc.) The attackers simply have to massively out skill their opponent to overcome the strength of the modules. Which leads into my next point
-Conquest is way too module-centric and needs more actual pvp. The modules are just too strong and there may be too many of them.
In my opinion, let me do a rundown of the modules
Spectral- Very overloaded and a must have. You are basically trolling by not having it, because I argue it does the most out of any modules. Its ability to show show charges, low health, and remove invis makes it OP. Maybe let it do one of those things.
DBA- too OP given that it outputs passively and not on hit and it's effects are have a large impact. Maybe change it to when you kill a golem. That would make it so you are punished if you take a charge and don't intend on sitting on a lamp. I'm not 100% sure about how to fix this one.
Lingering Death- bleed to powerful. Perhaps make it so it only bleeds while your in its radius. That still leaves the possibility of risky plays and moves whilst still punishing people who chose to move through it.
Laser, TNT, Slowness- Very weak, they should be looked at being reworked or removed.
Vicious Attack -Unknown
Rallying Charge - omegalul. Deserves to probably be under Laser, TNT, and Slowness in terms of uselessness.
Presumably, Loka wants to incentive strategy, and part of that strategy involves how you mod your tgen. but there is really little strategy to be had. There's a holy trinity of mods, Spectral, DBA, and Lingering Death, and there's probably a small chance you'd use one outside of those three. Also, I find it quite odd that the attacking inhibitor is forced to take defensive modules. Those defense modules aren't actually helping in doing their job, and it should be remembered the attackers aren't supposed to defend. If they find themselves in a defense scenario, they should be punished by not being able to have defense modules. Here are some ideas of attacking modules:
On warp, disable enemy tgen modules for 30 seconds - 1 minute
A module that directly reduces the effectiveness of tgen modules, to prevent stacking of the same module and variety
A module that reduces the effectiveness of debuffs in either reduced duration(recommended) or reduced effectiveness.
A module that gives regen II for 10 secs after an defense warp/Str III for 10-15 secs after a defensive warp (although I could def see this one getting out of hand)
Here is a way to also make attack a little bit more reasonable for the attackers.
In addition to a nerf/rework of the modules, reduce to amount of defensive modules to two and keep the attacking module at 1. This still provides a defensive advantage because you have two modules, four lamps, and still a core. 4 defensive modules is a lot to be dealing with, and having two at all is still a huge advantage. Giving the attackers also an actual attacking module should make a very noticeable difference and give the attackers certain windows to get kills/force the defenders to adapt.
Proposed Option #2
2 attacking modules, and 4 defensive modules.
Along with nerfed defensive modules, this could definitely be a viable option. It's a little bit less fair than proposed option #1, but still a step in the right direction
Proposed Option #3
1 attacking module, 4 defensive modules
Probably the easiest out of the three to implement as this is our current setup with the addition of an attacking module. In this scenario, the attacking module would need to be pretty powerful, and the 4 defensive modules would need to be weak-medium in effectiveness.
Conquest in its current state involves usually one side stomping another on, and that generally happens for the side that is able to defend. Defense is way too easy as a result of very powerful modules, and no attacking modules. In my opinion, there needs to be some mini or large scale conquest rework before we can really get a good system in place.
Conquest is pretty broken/unbalanced. I've experienced my fair share of Loka fights,

so I wouldn't consider myself a rookie when it comes down to it. Here are my main points below:
-Defense in its current state is too easy, creates a very difficult situation for the attackers, even when the attackers have a noticeable skill advantage
One of the biggest ways we can see this is to see Valyria vs Seagulls fights.

We would routinely average more kills and were largely seen as the more skilled side. But the overpoweredness of the modules, and the fact that we were outnumbered meant the odds of winning these fights was little to none. The defenders were able to routinely bail themselves out of losing trades by sitting in lingering death. I'm pretty sure y'all are aware how damning accidentally walking into a lingering death is, and it is pretty hard to survive lingering death for 10 seconds whilst also tanking potential multiple fighters.If we even dared to make a push or even get hit by a golem at all we would get toss backed, hit with mining fatigue and slowed which again just makes winning a 7v12 much more difficult, especially when you consider every 8 minutes they're constantly able to bring everyone back. Sure, it dosen't help us to have 2 players without kills, but they have 4 out of 12 players with kills, with 1 making up 11 of them. , I am aware you all know how damning accidentally walking into a lingering death is, and it is pretty hard to survive lingering death for 10 seconds whilst also tanking potential multiple fighters.

Taking it to a different time period. These fights also reinforce my point. The attackers, despite being similarly numbered, stood no real chance against a four module defense, and got dominated.

These aren't isolated incidents either. I could go through eldritch bot logs and probably pull out hundreds of these.
One more for good measure:

It is very important to note, that this doesn't happen all the time. There are times when the attackers overcome the odds and win the defenders. In theory, on an equal-person, near equal skill "war", the defenders should win about 60% of the time. That's usually not true. Either the attackers, (In the recent last big conquests I was apart of, this would be Best in the West, who fought on mainly attack) win about 95% of the time, or the defenders win 95% of the time (Noobville in South Valyria, Seagulls, Covenant, Silverhand, etc.) The attackers simply have to massively out skill their opponent to overcome the strength of the modules. Which leads into my next point
-Conquest is way too module-centric and needs more actual pvp. The modules are just too strong and there may be too many of them.
In my opinion, let me do a rundown of the modules
Spectral- Very overloaded and a must have. You are basically trolling by not having it, because I argue it does the most out of any modules. Its ability to show show charges, low health, and remove invis makes it OP. Maybe let it do one of those things.
DBA- too OP given that it outputs passively and not on hit and it's effects are have a large impact. Maybe change it to when you kill a golem. That would make it so you are punished if you take a charge and don't intend on sitting on a lamp. I'm not 100% sure about how to fix this one.
Lingering Death- bleed to powerful. Perhaps make it so it only bleeds while your in its radius. That still leaves the possibility of risky plays and moves whilst still punishing people who chose to move through it.
Laser, TNT, Slowness- Very weak, they should be looked at being reworked or removed.
Vicious Attack -Unknown
Rallying Charge - omegalul. Deserves to probably be under Laser, TNT, and Slowness in terms of uselessness.
Presumably, Loka wants to incentive strategy, and part of that strategy involves how you mod your tgen. but there is really little strategy to be had. There's a holy trinity of mods, Spectral, DBA, and Lingering Death, and there's probably a small chance you'd use one outside of those three. Also, I find it quite odd that the attacking inhibitor is forced to take defensive modules. Those defense modules aren't actually helping in doing their job, and it should be remembered the attackers aren't supposed to defend. If they find themselves in a defense scenario, they should be punished by not being able to have defense modules. Here are some ideas of attacking modules:
On warp, disable enemy tgen modules for 30 seconds - 1 minute
A module that directly reduces the effectiveness of tgen modules, to prevent stacking of the same module and variety
A module that reduces the effectiveness of debuffs in either reduced duration(recommended) or reduced effectiveness.
A module that gives regen II for 10 secs after an defense warp/Str III for 10-15 secs after a defensive warp (although I could def see this one getting out of hand)
Here is a way to also make attack a little bit more reasonable for the attackers.
In addition to a nerf/rework of the modules, reduce to amount of defensive modules to two and keep the attacking module at 1. This still provides a defensive advantage because you have two modules, four lamps, and still a core. 4 defensive modules is a lot to be dealing with, and having two at all is still a huge advantage. Giving the attackers also an actual attacking module should make a very noticeable difference and give the attackers certain windows to get kills/force the defenders to adapt.
Proposed Option #2
2 attacking modules, and 4 defensive modules.
Along with nerfed defensive modules, this could definitely be a viable option. It's a little bit less fair than proposed option #1, but still a step in the right direction
Proposed Option #3
1 attacking module, 4 defensive modules
Probably the easiest out of the three to implement as this is our current setup with the addition of an attacking module. In this scenario, the attacking module would need to be pretty powerful, and the 4 defensive modules would need to be weak-medium in effectiveness.
Conquest in its current state involves usually one side stomping another on, and that generally happens for the side that is able to defend. Defense is way too easy as a result of very powerful modules, and no attacking modules. In my opinion, there needs to be some mini or large scale conquest rework before we can really get a good system in place.