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Conquest Update - May


Staff member
Posting here rather than in the updates thread because none of these things are in yet, but here is a summation of the upcoming changes to the May Cycle of Conquest. These updates will roll out over the coming days:

Golem Changes
  • When randomly teleporting to players when shot by an arrow, Golems now teleport directly to your location after a few seconds. They no longer teleport a % of the way there, but will always teleport directly to your location at that time.
  • Whenever Golems Teleport, they will remain at their new location for up to 5 seconds before leashing back to their original location. No more of the ping-pong stuff.
Module Changes
  • All modules will have their "Range" evaluated from the center of the TGen. They used to be based on distance from the Turret (beacon block) of the Module.
  • All modules' Range is now 35 blocks from the center of the tgen. This only applies to aoe-based modules, of course.
  • REMOVED: Weakness Module
  • NEW Behavior - Buff Module - No longer changes the health of lamps, now increases the health of Golem Protectors by 2x.
  • CHANGED - Spectral Module - No longer uses the Spectral Glow (laggy) to indicate charged or low-health players. Players will now have their leather armor shown as Gold Armor if charged or under 50% health.
  • NEW MODULE - Vicious Strike - Golems gain a new attack combo. When teleporting to any players as a result of their usual arrow-hit-teleport, nearby enemies will be immediately knocked back heavily and receive a 10 second bleed.
  • NEW MODULE - Debilitating Aura - When enemies are near Golems, they will occasionally debuff nearby enemies with Slow III and Mining Fatigue I.
  • NEW MODULE - Lingering Death - This module fires a laced Potion at nearby enemies every 15 seconds that creates a lingering potion cloud at its location. Enemies who walk through this cloud will cause enemies to bleed if they walk through it. However, allies who walk through the cloud will pickup Regen I.
  • NEW MODULE - Rallying Charge - Upon the completion of a wave of players warping into your TGen/Inhib, all friendlies within 35 blocks will be buffed with 1 minute of Speed III and Strength II.
  • Because of removing Weakness entirely and changing how Buff works, these two modules will be automatically purged from all TGens. To anybody who has these modules installed currently, you will get a "free install" on that missing slot of the TGen one-time-only.
Policy Changes
  • World Capital may now choose 2 World Capital Policies.
  • Policies have received a major overhaul and can be viewed in full on the wiki.

Other Changes
  • The Fishing Buff tile on Balak has been removed for now and has been replaced by the buff that's currently on the Volcano Tile (Full-use Ancient Ingots).
  • The Volcano Tile now has a new buff: Upon control of this tile, you may pick and use any ONE Continent Capital Policy. This is effective only as long as you own the tile and any effects will immediately terminate if you lose control over the tile.
  • At the end of the Truce Period, ALL towns in ALL Alliances will be checked and for their eligibility to fight on Balak/Rivina and will be LOCKED your town to fight on their respective isle for the entire month. In other words, if you're in an Alliance that can fight on Balak, your town is LOCKED to fight on Balak. This does not happen "the first time you fight" and cannot be changed throughout the month. If you leave or are removed from your Alliance, your town will be UNABLE TO FIGHT on Balak AND Rivina and you will only be able to fight on your Continent.

    This this meant to prevent towns on Balak, for example, leaving alliances at the end of the month to go dominate Rivina when they should never have the option to, since they made it to Balak.
  • Reins Beacons at spawn will be moved to the War District. If at any point you are a participant of a reins fight, teleporting to spawn will teleport you to the War District (where the reins beacons will be) rather than having to slog it all the way from the center of Aladra.
  • Inhibitor and Tgens will have a NEW DESIGN. In the case of the TGens, it's not a huge change, however the Inhibitor has a new design which closer mimics the placement and distance between lamps much like the TGen. The general jist of the change is that there will no longer be nooks, crannies, and corners that are "part of the charging". There will be a distance and a set of blocks we check that you're standing on to determine if you're overloading.
  • As a result of this new design, it's basically impossible to stand in a corner and overload. Because of this, charges will take much less time to complete, but the number of charges required to destroy the lamp will increase.
  • Attackers will be able to install ONE module on their Inhibitor FOR FREE. This module will be destroyed when the first module is destroyed on the Inhibitor.

Closing Thoughts:
This is the last big "phase" of Conquest 3.0's roll-out and we are changing a lot. Metas are destroyed, things are now powerful, and we don't even know what's going to be an OP combo just yet until you guys start trying all the new hotness out.

As a matter of general principle, we try not to change things during a Conquest Cycle that we feel might make a big impact on who could win or lose the month. We will still aim to be methodical in our changes, but the sheer volume of changes this month means we may need to hot-fix or change things that are just broke. As a result, for May, at least, we're reserving the right to change things up whenever we feel we must. We'll try to exercise restraint, but we can't predict how things will go.


Well-Known Member
As the final waves of Conquest 3 updates are rolling out, are there any updates on the changes to industry outputs? I know it was said that these would get a small change to compare with the 30 territory cap, but I was wondering if there were any clarifications in mind, or if the player's should still look forward to and expect these buffs to their industries.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
As the final waves of Conquest 3 updates are rolling out, are there any updates on the changes to industry outputs? I know it was said that these would get a small change to compare with the 30 territory cap, but I was wondering if there were any clarifications in mind, or if the player's should still look forward to and expect these buffs to their industries.
Yes we are hoping to have that updated for when the truce ends

One question; will town T-Gens be customizable?
Town T gens cannot be attacked, so have no need for modules to defend them. So no you will not be able to add modules to them.


Active Member
Thanks, but I meant for building purposes, since they basically only fit with one style, and maybe the beacon should be customizable with town color