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Suggestion Conquest Vuln


Well-Known Member
So there is some vuln in conquest that makes IMPOSSIBLE for EU players to show up at that hours, they sometimes literally cant play conquest because of that (example: bits vuln from 7pm to 3am lokan hour / 12am to 8am EU thats literally impossible to play in if you have school) please change this and make the vuln times more in the evening / morning, but not in the night like that (obviusly not in the morning but not that late as now it is)
1665349649023.png1665349633684.pngThanks lokans!
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Well-Known Member
and no, bits members, i am not crying because the hours and our eu players, im tryna make the game more fun and more play and playable to our eu players, thanks for your attention.


New Member
+1 im from Belgium so i can speak for the people with my timezone its literally impossible for me to make fights like that not just in the week but also in weekends thats way to late


Active Member
i agree w this cause their vuln legit opens at 2am for EU players wich legit makes it impossible for EU players to have conquest fights thru the week like if you think about it this is some crazy anti-conquest shit to get no fights at all


Well-Known Member
i agree w this cause their vuln legit opens at 2am for EU players wich legit makes it impossible for EU players to have conquest fights thru the week like if you think about it this is some crazy anti-conquest shit to get no fights at all
Thats what i was trying to say, Thanks tq.


Well-Known Member
Its definitely preventing EU players to play conquest at their preferred time, but its been like that forever.
Also, time-zones exist, so your suggestion wont work.


Well-Known Member
Loka's systems have worked like this for years, and unfortunately there isn't much that can be done. Who's to say that a population of players from timezones closer to those of Asia and Oceania might come onto Loka one day? If we moved vulnerability to only be good for EU, NA, and SA players that certainly wouldn't bode well with any players from those other regions. Unfortunately, that is just how it be.


Well-Known Member
Loka's systems have worked like this for years, and unfortunately there isn't much that can be done. Who's to say that a population of players from timezones closer to those of Asia and Oceania might come onto Loka one day? If we moved vulnerability to only be good for EU, NA, and SA players that certainly wouldn't bode well with any players from those other regions. Unfortunately, that is just how it be.
i understand


Well-Known Member
Loka's systems have worked like this for years, and unfortunately there isn't much that can be done. Who's to say that a population of players from timezones closer to those of Asia and Oceania might come onto Loka one day? If we moved vulnerability to only be good for EU, NA, and SA players that certainly wouldn't bode well with any players from those other regions. Unfortunately, that is just how it be.
to be fair, most of the asia/oceania players I know don't pvp all that much.


Staff member
At times we have considered limits to vuln windows that would basically canonize the fact that Loka is US/EU. For 90% of our players this would be sane, but it would absolutely guarantee that there couldn't really be a vuln window for towns/alliances made up of APAC players. It's a toughie and probably something worth another discussion amongst LCRs


Well-Known Member
simply recruit asian players

on a more serious note having a vuln like this opens their own players up to being cheesed while they're asleep, pick stupid vulns get stupid fights


Active Member
tbh I think that vuln is one of the unique things that really adds to the strategy of Loka and has always worked like this. Coming from a BITS perspective it makes sense to make our vuln COMPLETELY NA West as a majority of us have afterschool extracurricular + you guys are dominant in numbers and people within the EU Timezone. There's no point to change a system that has worked for years just because of one scenario that's unfavorable for you guys.


Well-Known Member
On a more serious note what I've done before to combat such a vuln is take advantage of it on a weekend, so friday night or saturday "morning" just triple place at 2.15 2.35 and 2.55 and it usually is enough to convince them to change it back since you guys are all awake in the morning smashing skulls

I know it's cringey and annoying but it will usually deter them enough via you just abusing this once- not much they can do against it but understandable if you didn't want to also. - depends how sweaty you want loka to be i guess can't say i'd ever do it again.