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Creeperheal Plugin


I've brought this up a couple of times but I've never posted it here so I figured I'd give it a shot and see what you guys think. Basically, the creeperheal plugin can repair all explosions over time. This would allow people to use withers and creepers to gain entry into a town. This gives both more options to thieves both experienced(withers) and inexperienced(creepers), takes away the responsibility of repairing cannoned land from town owners, and takes away some of the risk associated with stealing from thieves.

A full list of features can be found here https://github.com/nitnelave/CreeperHeal/wiki/features

I figured I should also recommend some times to give you an idea of how this could work. Withers 30 minutes, Creepers 15 minutes, Ghasts 1 minute, and TNT 3 hours.
No TNT healing, I like to use it to dig and it doesn't heal currently anyway.
Other than that I guess I could agree.
Psychedelic98 said:
I've brought this up a couple of times but I've never posted it here so I figured I'd give it a shot and see what you guys think. Basically, the creeperheal plugin can repair all explosions over time. This would allow people to use withers and creepers to gain entry into a town. This gives both more options to thieves both experienced(withers) and inexperienced(creepers), takes away the responsibility of repairing cannoned land from town owners, and takes away some of the risk associated with stealing from thieves.

A full list of features can be found here https://github.com/nitnelave/CreeperHeal/wiki/features

I figured I should also recommend some times to give you an idea of how this could work. Withers 30 minutes, Creepers 15 minutes, Ghasts 1 minute, and TNT 3 hours.

This would certainly add a new dynamic to using tnt cannons and such. I like it.
I think in the case of creepers it would be ok. TNT holes should be left open until the owner of the structure decides to fix it (vanilla). And withers, they are just too much collateral damage. They can see through blocks, kill all your farms, camp your town portal, amongst other problems which would be a pain to fix.

I do think though, that obsidian vaults are highly overpowered and there should be some way to access them. I just don't think that spawning a wither is the solution.
Defgnww said:
No TNT healing, I like to use it to dig and it doesn't heal currently anyway.
Other than that I guess I could agree.
You can toggle specific blocks to drop entities instead of healing(like dirt and stone) to allow for digging.

andrekeroxd said:
I think in the case of creepers it would be ok. TNT holes should be left open until the owner of the structure decides to fix it (vanilla). And withers, they are just too much collateral damage. They can see through blocks, kill all your farms, camp your town portal, amongst other problems which would be a pain to fix.

I do think though, that obsidian vaults are highly overpowered and there should be some way to access them. I just don't think that spawning a wither is the solution.
Any problems resulting from a wither will be up to the person who spawns the wither to solve. However, creeperheal offers another solution to obsidian vaults if you don't like withers. You can toggle a % chance for explosions to damage obsidian.
This does indeed seem like a reasonable thing to consider, with the Magpieman-Nerf-Filter applied that is.
TNT heal: No...well maybe if you can adjust it for mining

Wither heal: No
I agree with Andre here. This would encourage people to use withers to raid and withers can destroy entire farms in seconds.

Creeper heal: interesting/okay but this will make creepers so much more dangerous
ghast heal: sure

"Teleports the suffocating players to safety when they are trapped in an explosion healing." <--Seems like it could be abused or used to glitch into hard to reach areas.

"Crack those bricks! Stone bricks destroyed can come back as cracked!" <----will decrease the value of cracked stone as people could use this plugin to farm it. We would have to look into adjusting this on the plugin side.
TNT sounds great to me, makes the raider's job a little easier and there's less risk of banning and all that nasty drama that can accompany tnt'ing. With regards to creepers and withers, i'm not sure. Does that really need changing? Withers would lay waste to everything and even with healing I'm not sure I like that.