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Suggestion Custom Anvil


Active Member
Hello me again,

What does this anvil?
The anvil renames items but adds a extra line: "By Username" like lore scrolls but there will be no special colors added.
Once the line is added you cant use it on a anvil anymore but you can still add enchantments.

idk i think funny

To make a item unique so it cant be copied.

You can do multiple things with this:
You could make a custom currency beside shards and the anvil will prevent people from money printing as the items will be unique to a player :shardcluster:.
The same thing goes as with vouchers, you could make vending's and list some vouchers on the player market.
Or maybe a custom sword/armor piece made by you?

To make this not too overpowered, I would say that it will cost more enchantment levels then a normal anvil.

At the end..
It just makes items unique and more valuable.

plz +1 yesyes :>>>>