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Darrobb Unban appeal #2

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New Member

Hello everyone, all staff members and the community reading this appeal. Today I am here to apologise for my stupidity, I'm going to go from the start in the past I have been extremely racist this was about 2 years ago when I played the server alot I will not stray away from this I was a child and heard lots of things and repeated the things I heard, Obviously I should have had some common sense but I didn't and I blame myself for that alot.

My apology to the staff.
I'm extremely sorry to all the staff members who I've been a burden to I have wasted your time with stupid shenanigans that you shouldn't have had to deal with I hope you can find it deep down to forgive me.

Hello once again as I've mentioned previously I was very hurtful to people and said some really bad things, for the past few months 7 to be exact I've been fixing myself and haven't been on the internet as much to try and stay away from people that had the humor I used to have. I want to be back on the server and want to play with my friends again I miss the enjoyment of winning the month with a coinflip or getting my first kill again.

I have tried to apologise for everything I have done and I will keep doing so until I am forgiven because I truly believe everything I have said can be forgiven and we all can move on from this.

Thank you all for reading my appeal I hope you can have a wonderful day.​


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We appreciate that this is a far better appeal than your previous one, however, it is still too soon for us to feel comfortable lifting the ban. This is due to some of the hate speech being 7 months ago and your poor history with this kind of language on the server.
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