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DarthsRevenge Unban Appeal

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New Member
Hello Loka and staff. I recently got banned and would like to be given a second chance. Currently my ban is permanent but I would like to change that. I apparently was harassing a user named Guns4Dayz in a voice call. I regret what I did and would like to be unbanned or even have my ban reduced.

So what happened was I joined a voice call with guns4dayz and Compy, then I called him black as a joke after an exchange and I believe this is the reason that I had gotten banned. I personally don't think that I should have been banned for something like this when I was not even playing loka at the time and was just joking around and did not expect guns to take it this seriously. Also I have only done this to one person before and if I were to get unbanned I would not do something like this again. So I would hope that you would consider reducing my ban.

Thank you,


Active Member
calling someone black isnt enough to warrant a perma ban...if it was that bad almost everyone on the server would be banned


Active Member
-1 terrible appeal. Saying "I apparently was harassing a user" shows no remorse for what you did. Also they wouldn't ban for harassment if all you said was "black", so their is more to the story then what you are telling us.


Well-Known Member
loka needs to add a gulag like from call of duty filled with banned players. if you manage to kill everyone in the gulag within a certain amount of time you get unbanned but you also only have half a heart and have to write an appeal alongside it.


Well-Known Member
loka needs to add a gulag like from call of duty filled with banned players. if you manage to kill everyone in the gulag within a certain amount of time you get unbanned but you also only have half a heart and have to write an appeal alongside it.
perm muted people should have their own chat that only they can see and type in so staff can monitor the reformation and watch them tolerate each other


loka needs to add a gulag like from call of duty filled with banned players. if you manage to kill everyone in the gulag within a certain amount of time you get unbanned but you also only have half a heart and have to write an appeal alongside it.
1 stone mined in 10 seconds closer to freedom
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