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Daruks for Slicer

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New Member
Daruks has been playing Loka for a while and has been very active doing so. She's a great person to speak to and is also quite the jokester as well.

All together she is a great addition to Loka and would be great in a higher rank. :D

(daruks isn't Andre for anyone who is confused about this!)


Well-Known Member
I have no idea when Daruks is Daruks or Andre. Soooo not sure. I don't know if I have ever spoken to her.. I've talked to her account but I think it was Andre. So, only a small thing for me... I'm not sure. Because if that whole Andre using Daruks' account and people not knowing if it's her or Andre. Nevermind I'm confusing myself now.


New Member
MinecraftJedi127 said:
I have no idea when Daruks is Daruks or Andre. Soooo not sure. I don't know if I have ever spoken to her.. I've talked to her account but I think it was Andre. So, only a small thing for me... I'm not sure. Because if that whole Andre using Daruks' account and people not knowing if it's her or Andre. Nevermind I'm confusing myself now.

It isn't Andre lol. Daruks is the girl Zoe that was on one of the calls with us :cool:


Well-Known Member
See, I would I have known that if someone in that Skype call had answered me when I asked who Zoe was. :p lol, Yeah she's cool.
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