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Dead But Not Gone


Active Member
Early spring is coming to Kalros but the winter is refusing to die without a fight.

A mysterious figure arrives from Gamara having travelled weeks to arrive at his destination. He knows where he's going. A place that's long since forgotten and has faded into the background of myth and legend. But to him, it still feels like yesterday and very real. Arriving at the docks at the edge of Kalros, the stranger disembarks and starts his long journey North.

To a place where a High King and Queen once were, a mother of wolves and a wizard. Where thieves found honour. Diplomacy was the tool of the land and enemies once turned into friends came together. Where one of the most powerful places in all of Loka once was and some of its most legendary figures lived.

Where celebration joy once was, but now cold ruins, long since pillaged remain.

They have all since left, scattered to the far ends of the Earth, never to return. But he has


The stranger's journey brings them back to the far North of Kalros. The stranger hesitantly enters the old ruins and it breaks his heart. Massive pine trees have grown over everything and most of everything lies in disrepair or is slowly crumbling to the Earth. But, standing tall over everything, is the Spire. Despite how the world of Loka has forever changed, it remains. And so does he.

His name is Commander_12 and was once one of Auru's most loyal members. And he's back.

Auru may be dead but it's not gone. And it's time for it to return.

The wind starts to pick up and leaves rustle at Commander's feet.

Commander swears he can hear a heartbeat in the ground.

He could be just imagining it. But it's real.

It is time.


Well-Known Member
They say every time a wolf howls a legend is born.
~Ajaxan, Aurulian History

A wolf’s howl pierces through the still springtime air. A man steps off the ship, and inhales the crisp northern air. A smile tugs at his lips at the sound of the howl, and a hand reaches down to pat one of the two wolves at his side. Both are grey, but one is light, just barely the color of new fallen snow, while the other is as dark as a Kalrosian winter night. Neither wolf joins the howling. The howling wolves are strangers to them, proof of the years that have passed.

The wind picks up, bringing the cold air down from the north. It should feel like a deterrent to the man as he begins to stride forward, but to him, it’s a playful welcome. Despite the decades spent in the sweltering climate of the savanna, he does not flinch at the frigid air, instead reveling in it. No amount of time away from Kalros could dull this Northerner’s spirit. This is his land, his home.

His feet know where he is going, despite the century spent away. He could have closed his eyes and walked there, if not for the trees. They had grown, their roots sunk deeper into the ground, their trunks thicker and taller and their branches grew in every which direction. He had spent so much time along this path, each tree was familiar, and he lingered in the shade of each for a moment before continuing on. It made his journey slow, but it was worth it. This was an important journey; a homecoming. It was okay for him to take his time.

Each tree receives it's greeting, but eventually, the man knows he must continue on. He has an
old friend to greet, one who would be waiting for him when he arrives. And sure enough, the giant stone walls appear in the distance as he walks. It is partly collapsed, with many holes, but it's proof that the ruins of Auru remain. As he gets closer, he finds the gates are off their hinges, laying on the ground, rusted and old. He simply stepped over them, maneuvering his way towards the center of town. A figure is there, waiting. He turns with a smile.

“Commander Andy.” He greets, a smile warming his face as well.

“My King.” Andy kneels. “Welcome home.”