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Death messages


Active Member
I suggest we remove death messages, as it would add a note of realism and would make for more interesting/creative PvP scenarios. Support or not, be civil and cordial in this thread.
I can understand removing the name of whoever killed you. But removing it entirely doesn't change anything. Whoever is killed will still tell his fellow town members that he/she was murdered and you can't penalize them for that.

you can't compare this to real life when deaths are only announced on the news. You respawn. Life continues. The only element that is beneficial is the not knowing who did it. If you can successfully kill someone without them knowing you're there, kudos, you won't be hunted. But do it in a way that they see who you are, you might as well still have the public death message.

Alternatively, admins should always see death messages. That is just necessary for what mag has already said.
JocelynReed said:
actually, I change my mind.

I think death messages shouldn't state who the killer is, just how the person died.
Sorry, you still want to defend you're not a raider right? :P