Imagine you have an inn with many rooms or a large war room with a vault for each player. Each room or vault is zoned to keep players stuff individually safe.
Now you wanna go make a new inn or war room oh god time to slowly find the name of each zone, delete the zones one by one and scream internally.
Wouldn't it be pog if you could take out your golden axe, cover an area and then run /town z delete all. All zones within or touching that area would poof and cease to exist allowing you to quickly wipe an entire old war room of its zones.
Alternatively, you could just run /town z clear and it'd clear the town of any and all zones inside it so you can now go back over things and fix zones to be more organized or just to do whatever you wanna do
There's probably an infinite amount of others ways something like this could be implemented would just be pog if you could mass delete zones, maybe at a stretch you could also use your axe on an area and then set all the zones within it to a certain level. "/town z levelall <level 1-5>"
Thank you for listening to my talk, sponsored by the Edgewind lottery and #BringTheLotteryMachineToSpawn
Now you wanna go make a new inn or war room oh god time to slowly find the name of each zone, delete the zones one by one and scream internally.
Wouldn't it be pog if you could take out your golden axe, cover an area and then run /town z delete all. All zones within or touching that area would poof and cease to exist allowing you to quickly wipe an entire old war room of its zones.
Alternatively, you could just run /town z clear and it'd clear the town of any and all zones inside it so you can now go back over things and fix zones to be more organized or just to do whatever you wanna do
There's probably an infinite amount of others ways something like this could be implemented would just be pog if you could mass delete zones, maybe at a stretch you could also use your axe on an area and then set all the zones within it to a certain level. "/town z levelall <level 1-5>"
Thank you for listening to my talk, sponsored by the Edgewind lottery and #BringTheLotteryMachineToSpawn