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No Plans to Implement despawn industry buildings when a town dies

If it hasn't been suggested before, despawning barns, dig sites, etc. when their town dies is a common sense measure to cut down on the huge number of defunct industry buildings littering the wilds. Abandoned industry buildings also often occupy prime spots in a town ruin where future setters would like to place new industries; clearing out these junk buildings would save settlers demo work and keep fewer barns, dungeons etc. from piling up in the tile.


Staff member
If it hasn't been suggested before, despawning barns, dig sites, etc. when their town dies is a common sense measure to cut down on the huge number of defunct industry buildings littering the wilds. Abandoned industry buildings also often occupy prime spots in a town ruin where future setters would like to place new industries; clearing out these junk buildings would save settlers demo work and keep fewer barns, dungeons etc. from piling up in the tile.

We've discussed this a bit before and is something we could probably do if, maybe, more then 75-80%+ of the blocks were unchanged, but lots of people do edit their industry buildings so we couldn't do this carte blanche.


Well-Known Member
I like seeing them anyways in the ruins, it adds flavour and shows what the town process was like. It only gets semi-annoying when you settle on ruins.

Edit - Also now that I think about it, some towns are built around their industries, some ruins just wouldn't fit. And you could argue that they're ruins they're irrelevant but I personally enjoy seeing them when wandering around.