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Suggestion Direction HUD & Coordinates Mod


New Member
Name: Direction HUD // Coordinates Mod
Link: It’s built into Badlion Client and Lunar Client
Description: Has a compass at the top of your screen that indicates the cardinal direction that you are facing. // Shows your current coordinates in a corner without having to pull up the F3 debug screen.
Both of these features are accessible by pressing F3. However, in the middle of an intense 50v50 pvp fight, the excess of information from the debug screen blocks vision and is very distracting.

Neither direction HUD nor Coordinates Mod provide anything that one can’t get outside of vanilla Minecraft, except for exceptionally improving qualify of life.

Direction HUD especially can facilitate new levels of unity and teamwork in Loka fights.

“Pearl west in 3, 2, 1!” would actually work for coordinated retreats instead of everyone just scattering into different directions.

It’s the same thing as pressing F3, just… better. Thoughts?