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Suggestion Display Cases


Well-Known Member
Aye, so quick suggestion. @ACwavelength and I were in the TerraIncognita Museum when we both had a shocking idea. All of us Ruins/Lore/History lovers love having in-town museums. Well there are currently “Display Cases” in the Loka Museum at Aladra. Well what if towns could have the same cases in their in town museums.


Well-Known Member
This suggestion links back to the Item frame-block idea recently https://www.lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/item-frame-block.4456/, as well as a discussion back in June on adding custom armour stands to do the role of display cases, bringing scenes to life etc https://www.lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/armour-stands.4251/ Both threads cover some of the issues with this sort of idea and ways it may possibly be implemented in the future.
If we had this feature it'd be awkward limiting it just to museums and preferably it'd be added in a more universal form for general use of display items and other benefits as described in the threads