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Djscales101 Unmute appeal

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For a long time I haven't been able to speak in the Loka public chat. It makes me really sad and I feel lonely. I think I deserve this unmute because I was toxic in public chat, HOWEVER I am reformed now as you can see as my previous ign ReformedScales and I believe the server should be graced with my presence and my wonderful words. I would like to thank my parents and my friends as it took a lot of courage to write this mute appeal and I hope I can make amends with the lokan staff and we can become great friends and VERBALIZE on Loka.#BLM


This is not copied sigma flash approved of my use of his format and template i do not appreciate this slander and harassments


New Member
Whether you're young or old, mac and cheese is a timeless classic that makes even the most diligent low-carb dieters weak at the knees. And with the ingenious invention of boxed macaroni and cheese dinners, even those who are slightly cooking-challenged can easily succumb to their favorite cheat meals any time of the day. But their ease of access and simple instructions shouldn't be enough to warrant an indulgence, as not every boxed mac and cheese is made the same.

In fact, with some of the calorie, sodium, and fat counts, many of these boxes of gold should make you think twice before you pick them off the shelf. You can thank the saturated-fat-laden butter, milk, cheese—or the scientifically-developed chemical alternatives to each of these natural ingredients—and refined-flour noodles for this dish's downfall. But not all boxes have to be sad mistakes for your diet.


Well-Known Member
Whether you're young or old, mac and cheese is a timeless classic that makes even the most diligent low-carb dieters weak at the knees. And with the ingenious invention of boxed macaroni and cheese dinners, even those who are slightly cooking-challenged can easily succumb to their favorite cheat meals any time of the day. But their ease of access and simple instructions shouldn't be enough to warrant an indulgence, as not every boxed mac and cheese is made the same.

In fact, with some of the calorie, sodium, and fat counts, many of these boxes of gold should make you think twice before you pick them off the shelf. You can thank the saturated-fat-laden butter, milk, cheese—or the scientifically-developed chemical alternatives to each of these natural ingredients—and refined-flour noodles for this dish's downfall. But not all boxes have to be sad mistakes for your diet.


Active Member
Whether you're young or old, mac and cheese is a timeless classic that makes even the most diligent low-carb dieters weak at the knees. And with the ingenious invention of boxed macaroni and cheese dinners, even those who are slightly cooking-challenged can easily succumb to their favorite cheat meals any time of the day. But their ease of access and simple instructions shouldn't be enough to warrant an indulgence, as not every boxed mac and cheese is made the same.

In fact, with some of the calorie, sodium, and fat counts, many of these boxes of gold should make you think twice before you pick them off the shelf. You can thank the saturated-fat-laden butter, milk, cheese—or the scientifically-developed chemical alternatives to each of these natural ingredients—and refined-flour noodles for this dish's downfall. But not all boxes have to be sad mistakes for your diet.


Whether you're young or old, mac and cheese is a timeless classic that makes even the most diligent low-carb dieters weak at the knees. And with the ingenious invention of boxed macaroni and cheese dinners, even those who are slightly cooking-challenged can easily succumb to their favorite cheat meals any time of the day. But their ease of access and simple instructions shouldn't be enough to warrant an indulgence, as not every boxed mac and cheese is made the same.

In fact, with some of the calorie, sodium, and fat counts, many of these boxes of gold should make you think twice before you pick them off the shelf. You can thank the saturated-fat-laden butter, milk, cheese—or the scientifically-developed chemical alternatives to each of these natural ingredients—and refined-flour noodles for this dish's downfall. But not all boxes have to be sad mistakes for your diet.


Well-Known Member
Emoji?!1!?WTF11!1!!?1? emoji police!1!!1‍♂️♂️!!11!‍♂️♂️Get out ‍♀️♀️ of this sub !?!1can't like cuz it's 69 !!1!!1!!!69?!?! Noice!!1!!1!1 You don't find it funny Ur a instragam normie!!!1 Lololol lollol Elon Musk!!!11!! Chungus Funny lmoamao Keanu!1!!1!1!! Momement wholesome 100Stunksss !!11! [everyone liked that] Ur sussussusWhy you don't laugh?!1??1?1!! it's an amogus referenc !!?1?! Sus sus sus sus !1!!11!ejected: imopter you still don't get it cringe based!1!1!11 cringe cringe !111!1!11!!!cringe sherk is awesome best movie in the worldo what? You play fortnite? More like fartnite also you watch tik tuk ewwwwww you don't like dogs? What a piece of human trash 10.000 of evolution for this sub human trash we must kill u, after this, Reddit will destroy all goverments 1!!1!!!1!!11 and become God!! !11!11


Old One
Staff member
Old One
You have made multiple racist comments in the last year, so we have no intention of lifting the mute at this time.
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