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Suggestion Do you want to see Conquest Fight Messages

Do you want to see Conquest Messages?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I understand recently enough NerdieBirdie made a suggestion to remove all such messages from chat,- I find this and many others to my knowledge quite disappointing, a lot of us would like to view what's going on with either our fellow allies or our enemies as a fight goes on, it's also something interesting to at least track along to while playing Loka.

I don't think the majority of players actually wish for these messages to be disabled, however, I could be wrong. And even if you really don't wish to reenable it, at least have a way to OPT in to see these messages.

vote on the poll thanks
NERDIEBIRDIE BIAS no one but nerdie cares about the death messages, most people like seeing notable players getting beheaded by neversleep so please ADD THEM BACK !
Honestly, I feel like this was either not really thought through or just trying to appeal for 20% of the community which doesn't feel right

As I said before I'm quite confident the majority of players wish to see these, at the very least make an opt in option :]
Most players on Loka have friends outside of their alliance, and so inevitably will become invested in fights other than their own. In my opinion, one of the 'chillest' parts of Loka was congratulating a friend after they got a kill when they usually don't. Loka naturally limits how much you can participate with conquest, so when your alliance has had a dry month it's nice to participate in other ways.

+1 btw
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recently in January i locked to a stupid location and was unable to participate in most fights on the server and it was pretty frustrating to be unable to see how the fights were going for my allies this should definitely be a toggleable feature like duel requests

Last LCR term we had made the decision under the thought that it wouldn't be a game breaking choice to disable this for people and that it'd in general reduce clutter, however I think adding the option would be a good decision seeing as though so many people want to see it.
This would be an opt-in setting, however we did it. Whether that's on a per-fight basis with a global /c status that everybody could see, or a profile setting. Either way we're still very wary/against adding this.

It's important to realize that in a not too distant future, there will likely be constant fights happening all over Loka and the purpose of removing these kills from public chat is to reduce the amount of (good natured or not) public chat spam that happens when notable players get kills/die in fights, etc. There may be lots of players with no idea who is fighting and will just randomly see giant spurts of public chat activity about something they're clueless about (or don't even see)

Public chat should react to things all players see in public chat (like fight result messages, etc). We made this change for the future of Loka proactively. Understandably most on Loka right now are all invested in the conflicts, but it's important to recognize that that may not be true one day.
This would be an opt-in setting, however we did it. Whether that's on a per-fight basis with a global /c status that everybody could see, or a profile setting. Either way we're still very wary/against adding this.

It's important to realize that in a not too distant future, there will likely be constant fights happening all over Loka and the purpose of removing these kills from public chat is to reduce the amount of (good natured or not) public chat spam that happens when notable players get kills/die in fights, etc. There may be lots of players with no idea who is fighting and will just randomly see giant spurts of public chat activity about something they're clueless about (or don't even see)

Public chat should react to things all players see in public chat (like fight result messages, etc). We made this change for the future of Loka proactively. Understandably most on Loka right now are all invested in the conflicts, but it's important to recognize that that may not be true one day.
if this is the concern then possibly a "Fight chat" /ch f Strom if that's who's fighting, and everyone can see and talk about the fight in that chat if they have it toggled on? I'm unsure how hard this would be to implement but most people are interested in it, it's quite clear.
if this is the concern then possibly a "Fight chat" /ch f Strom if that's who's fighting, and everyone can see and talk about the fight in that chat if they have it toggled on? I'm unsure how hard this would be to implement but most people are interested in it, it's quite clear.
Fight chat would moreso be the idea of the Reins Chat suggestion (if it was implemented) from a little bit ago where it'd just be for that specific fight, and even then you'd still be able to type your response into public and it really wouldn't make sense to allow everyone to participate in a fight chat when a fight is only between two alliances.
Public chat should react to things all players see in public chat (like fight result messages, etc). We made this change for the future of Loka proactively.
I saw this, then I saw this.

this is the concern then possibly a "Fight chat" /ch f Strom if that's who's fighting, and everyone can see and talk about the fight in that chat if they have it toggled

Was literally commenting the same thing. I think something that was opt in but had some form of a prompt because people wouldn't find out easily about it.
Fight chat would moreso be the idea of the Reins Chat suggestion (if it was implemented) from a little bit ago where it'd just be for that specific fight, and even then you'd still be able to type your response into public and it really wouldn't make sense to allow everyone to participate in a fight chat when a fight is only between two alliances.
the people actually fighting wouldn't be in it, it would just be for spectators to talk and watch, idk there has to be some way to do this from this thread alone it's clear how many people would like this, and fights between 2 alliances is often important to near everyone who plays.
Public chat should react to things all players see in public chat
Players within a fight often react to the happenings of said fight in public chat anyway though. I feel like this can become confusing and can make players feel left out of the excitement. People play Loka to have a fun and exciting experience WITH friends, public chat at the minute is kind of barren - which is unfortunate given the importance of communication as a player base to the enjoyability of Loka.
There may be lots of players with no idea who is fighting and will just randomly see giant spurts of public chat activity about something they're clueless about (or don't even see)
I feel like the majority of Loka's players - being the pvpers who want to hype up their and their friends' kills - desire for the excitement of public chat having conquest messages returned outweighs the few players who may be new and unsure of what's happening. Even then those unsure can just ignore chat.