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Docktor_Duck Report.


Active Member

Shortly before this screenshot along with most of what I can see today has bene spamming ether the same line or few lines over and over again after saying something else then going back to it. Like that as seen above which he stated around 3 times he was stuck and another 3 times for each thing he except the Why me and screw it im switching computers. He has been doing this kind of action as a recent trend and was warned aswell by others on the server that he needs to stop the caps. He understands that he needs to stop his actions. Spamming and Heavy Caps use but it seems he is intent. I have seen this kinda action from him of late almost shortly after he left Shinigami and some very rare occasions where he would do this after he was out of Argus Alliance. I would like to report him for These things.​


To be fair, those messages weren't received at my end, due to my lag. My whole computer just decided to stop working, so my internet was very glitchy. I wasn't even sure if the messages I typed in were received because I had to do a reboot. So... stuff.