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Suggestion Eastern Continent and Better Building


I was thinking that it may be possible to add the Advanced Slabs mod (Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advancedslabs-microblocks-1-9.20164/ ) some day. It adds amazing improvements to building and adds a way to make more interesting doors than a normal door. It can also let people create bushes that look like real bushes, not cubic leaf blocks, for example. I would not suggest adding it until a duplication bug is fixed, though.

My second idea is to "discover" (create) a western continent. I can use World Machine and (I think) am an expert at World Painter. If you (Cryptite) like this idea and think I would do well, please give me a map of your idea.


Staff member
It looks like Advanced Slabs requires a client mod? We have firm stance on not adding anything to Loka that requires players to install client mods. We like that any regular vanilla player can just start up their Minecraft client and connect to Loka without having to install anything extra.

As for the new continent. Ascalon is actually the Western Continent, so I suppose you mean an Eastern one. The major reason we haven't moved onto making a 4th continent is that there is no need to. We're reserving making a 4th continent for one of two reasons:
  • Loka grows to a point where there truly isn't much left in terms of places to set up a town. Currently, there's plenty of room on all three continents for people to live.
  • A Minecraft Update comes out that introduces lots of new blocks (think 1.8) where it would make sense to make major features of the new continent comprise those new blocks.
That said, I'll certainly keep you in mind next time we craft a new continent! Do you have any examples of your work with World Painter?