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Eldia's Downfall


Long ago off the coasts of the jungle in Gararma, there lay a small town called Eldia. Now Eldia may have been small, but it was not insignificant. For the past month it had waged a war against the rulers of the continent, and had managed to push them off of their islands. The Eldian people, however, suffered greatly from this. Every day Eldia would become poorer and poorer and it would take more to keep it afloat. Some in the government, mainly BinkDog and TheGeoking, had been advocating peace and claiming Eldia would be better off if they joined the rulers of Gararma.
The council was splitting rapidly because of it. To make matters worse, a failed invasion of Gararma had pushed many everyday Eldians to despise the war and to advocate against it. Council members started picking sides to the debate and this caused a further wedge to be put in the council. Dorkito, Kitsune, and Network now joined Bink and Geo on the side of suing for peace. Jammin_Mas, the founder of Eldia and Lord of the Eldian Isles, had decided to stay in the war, but needed council support. He had loyalty, of course, and jmeatball, CottageCooper, Echonox, XmasFire, and Tedy were with him. He decided this was enough support and told the council the war would continue, despite the disagreement of the council. This pushed those advocating for peace far, but not too far. These were the people that fought alongside Jammin in The Void and were loyal to him still.
Then trouble struck, a push made by the rulers of Gararma (TGF) had broken through the defences that had been set. They pushed fast and were nearly at the capital when help arrived from Ascalon. Skuhoo and Mtn brought forth the combined armies of Valentia and Eldritch to push TGF off of the isles and back to the mainland. Sadly they had to soon depart, not before leaving behind a suitable force to guard the isles, since Graxum was back into conflict with them, and the Zorros threat had not been fully subdued. Although this was a victory, it also brought another attempt to convince Jammin and the rest of the council to sue for peace and try to become peaceful. Jammin, once again, denied to allow peace to be made.
This pushed the council too far, and Geo declared Martial Law and claimed he should be the new leader. He gathered his personal troops as well as those of his allies and other separatists and marched to Jammin's home. Jmeatball had seen this and quickly beat them there and made sure Jammin evacuated his home. Cooper and Xmas were waiting with small contingent of loyal seasoned veterans. Echonox grabbed a ship and sailed towards their location and evacuated them to the outer islands, where the Covenant troops were waiting. They gathered the troops up and sailed back to the main continent, where Tedy was barely fending off the separatists with what remained of the loyal army.
Geo, Dorkito, and Kitsune lead the separatists to defeat Tedy, who was barely holding on as it was. The arrival of Covenant troops as well as seasoned veterans threw off the untrained militia separatists and pushed them back to the walls of the capital. Anyone remaining in the capital was armed with what weapons remained and every trained troop was assembled to fight. They held out in the capital and called for support from TGF. Bewildered, TGF took this opportunity to invade again and pinned the loyalists in between them and the separatists. Realising this, Jammin pulled back forces and sailed away to Eldritch. A week later Eldia fell due to further infighting because of TGF occupation. Echo, Cooper, Jmeatball, and Jammin would later settle a different town, but that is a story for another time.