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No Plans to Implement Elytra Durability at Spawn


Well-Known Member
I occasionally will have some fun by just flying around Aladra, and my Elytra always breaks. I propose we implement a feature where Elytra durability doesn't decrease at spawn. This of course has it's upsides and downsides to certain situations but I personally would enjoy this being implemented!


Well-Known Member
how long do you fly in spawn for your elytra to break, if it has unbreaking thats a LOT of dedecation.

but +1 durability shouldn't descrease in spawn


Old One
Staff member
Old One
It's a fair suggestion and we did run it by LCR's, but in the end (at least for now) I don't think it's something we want to do. We feel it's a bit annoying having tons of players spam flying around spawn infinitely (especially with a growing player base) and while durability is a minor cost, it at least limits flying to an extent.