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Suggestion Elytra's and Zone


Active Member
I was thinking, you're able to make a zone and have players under the level (or default level) not be able to ender pearl, but why just have it that way, make it so that they can't fly in the zone either. It would add more restrictions and protection for the town owner's items.


Well-Known Member
This was discussed in the last LCR meeting, giving different zones super specific perms. I used the example of a war room where you want them to be able to place shulkers, and pearl around, but not edit the blocks in the zone. This would also implement your idea.


Active Member
This was discussed in the last LCR meeting, giving different zones super specific perms. I used the example of a war room where you want them to be able to place shulkers, and pearl around, but not edit the blocks in the zone. This would also implement your idea.
great minds think alike